Task I.
1. Sport takes an important place in our life, (d) doesn’t it?
2. There are a lot of extreme sports nowadays, (g) aren’t there?
3. Football was known hundreds years ago, (j) wasn’t it?
4. Surfing isn’t popular in Ukraine, (m) is it?
5. He began to go in for athletics three years ago, (c) didn’t he?
6. His cousin doesn’t do judo, (i) does he?
7. My friends have trainings twice a week, (l) haven’t they?
8. You aren’t busy now, (b) are you?
9. Susan didn’t miss the training yesterday, (n) did she?
10. I’ve never ridden a horse, (e) have I?
11. Jimmy has been interested in basketball since childhood, (h) hasn’t he?
12.They don’t miss sports news, (a) do they?
13. Gary wasn’t at the swimming pool at that time, (o) was he?
14. Our team won two gold medals last year, (f) didn’t it?
15. The girl was skating when she suddenly fell down, (k) wasn’t she?
16. My father and I watched a hockey match yesterday, p) didn’t we?
Task II.
1. Team - (e) a group of people playing a sport together.
2. Football - (n) a sport played between two teams of eleven players with a ball.
3. Coach - (a) a person who trains sportsmen.
4. Basketball - (g) to play this game you need a ball and a basket.
5. Swimming pool - (k) a place full of water where you enjoy swimming.
6. Competition - (c) some sporting event which is held to find out who is
the best in a certain kind of sport.
7. Opponent - (o) a person who is against another person in a game.
8. Tennis - (b) to play this game you need a racket and a ball.
9. Volleyball - (j) a team game with a ball which is thrown above the net.
10. Figure skating - (d) the dancing on the ice.
11. Champion - (h) the best athlete.
12. Yoga - (p) exercises which help you stay healthy and fit.
13. Tennis court - (f) a place where you can play tennis.
14. Fitness studio - (i) a place where people of all ages can go in for aerobics.
15. Referee - (l) this person judges the football matches.
16. Cycling - (m) a kind of activity for which a bike is necessary.
Russia is a country that can boast of its artistic and cultural traditions Its museums attract tourists from all over the world The Hermitage is famous all over the world for its valuable rare collections of canvases and other art objects(can). We must also mention the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow(must). It has a rich collection of early Russian paintings and icons including the world-famous "The Trinity" by Andrey Rublev Speaking about arts, we should not forget about music, especially classical music(should). We can hear new voices in music and poetry, see new canvases by modern artists, works of great actors and film directors.(can)
Россия-страна, которая может похвастаться своими художественными и культурными традициями ее музеи привлекают туристов со всего мира Эрмитаж славится во всем мире своими ценными редкими коллекциями холстов и других предметов искусства(can). Нельзя не упомянуть и о Третьяковской галерее в Москве (обязательно). Здесь собрана богатая коллекция древнерусских картин и икон, в том числе всемирно известная "Троица" Андрея Рублева.говоря об искусстве, нельзя забывать и о музыке, особенно о классической музыке(следует). Мы слышим новые голоса в музыке и поэзии, видим новые полотна современных художников, работы великих актеров и режиссеров.(мочь)