Russia is one of the largest countries on the planet. Russians have always been famous for their love of animals.
The average Russian dog has a mixed breed, which is about 51%. The most popular breeds among Russians are the German Shepherd, Toy Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua and Caucasian Shepherd.
Also popular here are fish that are aquarium animals. Many people get fish, and several species can live in one aquarium. To properly equip a home for them, you need to familiarize yourself with special literature, choose the right equipment and accessories, and follow the care regime. Popular views:guppies, barbus,discus, swordsmen, and others.
Popular animals in Russia are various rodents. These are hamsters:Jungar and Angora, royal and Syrian, guinea pigs, rats, chinchillas, Degus, squirrels and other representatives of the fauna. Quite often recently, people get decorative rabbits and ferrets at home.
Our population also has people who keep exotic animals. I personally believe that this is wrong and people should not keep such animals and protect it at large.
Артур Конан Дойл был хорошим писателем. Он родился в Шотландии в семье ирландцев.Он работал доктором. В 1882 переехал из Шотландии в Англии ради практики. Его познания в медицине ему в написании рассказов. Конан Дойл первый, кто ввел моду на детективные истории. Сегодня эта мода распространяется и на других писателей. Конан Дойл создал такого популярного персонажа как Шерлок Холмс.шесть лет спустя когда Конан Дойл написал серию о Шерлоке холмсе, все стали узнавать этого писателя. Шерлок также фигурировал в таких кнгах как «Study in Scarlet”. “Приключения Шерлока Холмса» сделали Дойла популярным писателем в мире.
Russia is one of the largest countries on the planet. Russians have always been famous for their love of animals.
The average Russian dog has a mixed breed, which is about 51%. The most popular breeds among Russians are the German Shepherd, Toy Terrier, Yorkshire Terrier, Chihuahua and Caucasian Shepherd.
Also popular here are fish that are aquarium animals. Many people get fish, and several species can live in one aquarium. To properly equip a home for them, you need to familiarize yourself with special literature, choose the right equipment and accessories, and follow the care regime. Popular views:guppies, barbus,discus, swordsmen, and others.
Popular animals in Russia are various rodents. These are hamsters:Jungar and Angora, royal and Syrian, guinea pigs, rats, chinchillas, Degus, squirrels and other representatives of the fauna. Quite often recently, people get decorative rabbits and ferrets at home.
Our population also has people who keep exotic animals. I personally believe that this is wrong and people should not keep such animals and protect it at large.