Мой друг, я хочу рассказать тебе о моей лучшей подруге. у меня есть несколько друзей. но лучшим из них является яна. ей пятнадцать лет. она моя одноклассница. мы знаем друг друга уже пятнадцать лет. она довольно высокая и стройная. имеет овальное лицо и прямые темные волосы. у нее прямой нос. у нее красивые карие глаза с густыми ресницами. яна веселая, любознательная и добрая. у яны хорошее чувство юмора. она всегда бодра и энергична. она отзывчива. я ее люблю, потому что она ответственная и никогда не подводит меня. она понимает меня хорошо, и я всегда могу довериться ей, и я полагаюсь на нее в любой ситуации. я счастлива иметь такую подругу, как яна. я уверена, что мы будем друзьями навсегда. желаю любви, (имя) hello my friend, i want to tell you about my best friend. i have several friends . but the best among them is yana. she is fifteen years old. she is my classmate . we have known each other for fifteen years already. she is rather tall and slim. she has oval face and straight dark brown hair. her nose is straight. she has very beautiful brown eyes with thick eyelashes. yana is cheerful, inquisitive and kind. yana has good sense of humour. she always cheerful and energetic. she is very responsive. i love her very much because she is responsible and never lets me down. she understands me very well and i can always confide in her and i rely on her in any situation. i am happy to have such a friend as yana. i am sure we will be friends forever. lots of love, (имя)
To feel relief to rub eyes a blow of a wind confused to snore to nap to whisper in a while a storm a pleasant evening alex and professor decided to look around. they went on a dangerous journey to look for the center of the earth they saw huge elephants they were in the centre of the earth caught found left met was didn't go did you come my best friend used to be olivia she used to have red hair we didn't use to go together everywhere i used to tidy my room very often did you use to go to school on foot or by bus? until went after then as soon as ireland is part of the u.k. and has the same weather.
1. The _ lounges at airports are always full (DEPARTURE)
2. Will was late for his _ so he asked me to drive him there APPOINTMENT.
3. Thanks for looking after my dog. I’m really GREATFULL.
4. I’m asking for your _ ! (FORGIVENESS)
5. Doug is such a _ . I never believe a word he says. (LIER)
6. Lying to your dad like that was really DISHONEST.
7. My brother is _ but that doesn’t stop him from doing a lot of sports. (DISABLED)
8. I haven’t got the _ to go up to a stranger at a party and introduce myself. (CONFIDENCE)
9. My _ with Chris lasted for over a year. (RELATIONSHIP)
10. Liz has got a really lively PERSONALITY.
11. My uncle has an amazing mental ABLITIES.
12. I gave the shop _ the money and left. (ASSISTANT)
13. The company has _ to start selling its goods in China. (PERMISSION)
14. The in this place is absolutely terrible. I want to see the manager. (SERVICE)
15. Could you help me with my _ ? (DECISION)
16. I read a _ of all the supermarkets, but this one is the best. (COMPARISON)
17. Before you borrow any money from the bank you have to make a _ about whether you can pay it back or not. (JUDGEMENT)
18. My grandmother had no idea that her old vase was so (VALUE)
19. Companies should always tell the _ in advertisements. (TRUTH)
20. Credit cards are really _ but you have to be careful with them. (USEFULL)