Выбирайте здоровые перекусы. Для удовлетворения голода между приёмами пищи умным выбором являются хумус и морковь или обезжиренный йогурт .
2.Контролируйте приём пищи. Поедание лишних калорий может привести к набору веса в течение года. Уделяя внимание порциям вы убедитесь что каждый кусок на счету.
3. Больше двигайтесь. Ходите пешком 30-60 мин в день чтобы уменьшить риск заболеваний и улучшить своё здоровье.
4 .Завтракайте. Здоровый и полезный завтрак от перекусов в течение дня.
5. Готовьте еду дома. Домашняя еда часто бывает низкокалорийной и более разнообразной, чем ресторанная еда.
1. I am a student.
2. It is an armchair.
3. These boys are tall (zero)
4. This is the largest room in the house.
5. He has a brother.
6. It is an interesting film.
8. There cars are black (zero)
9. He is the youngest pupil in class.
10. Mister Brown has a daughter.
11. There is an apple on the table.
12. I need more information (zero)
13. Peter is the cleverest boy in our group.
14. My favorite subject is English (zero)
15. China has the biggest population in the world.
16. It was an early morning (возможно zero но такого варианта нет)
17. What a lovely day.
18. Where is Mary? (zero)
19. Would you like an apple?
20. The sun shines brightly.
21. This is the end of the game.
1. It didn't rain this week.
2. The weather has been cold recently.
3. It was cold last week.
4. I didn't read the newspaper yesterday.
5. I haven't read the newspaper today.
6. Emily has earned a lot of money this year.
7. She didn't earn so much money last year.
8.Have you had a holiday recently?
9. I forgot most of my German so far.
10. The police arrested three criminals yesterday.
11. They haven't found the fourth one yet.
12. Einstein developed the theory of relativity.
13. I lost my key.
14. Our car has just broken down.
15. It broke down last week too.
16. Peter hasn't seen Bob yet, but he saw his wife yesterday.