Бумага повсюду вокруг нас. Она нам общаться, создавать и иллюстрировать. Наши книги, газеты, журналы и плакаты сделаны из
нее. Бумага - материал номер один, который мы выбрасываем. На каждые 100 кг мусора, который мы выбрасываем, приходится 39 кг бумаги. Одни только газеты занимают приблизительно 14% места для отходов.
Бумага может быть глянцевой или матовой, тонкой или толстой. Большинство изделий из бумаги сделано из деревьев, хотя бумага может также быть сделана из ткани или травы.
Как изготовляется бумага
После того, как деревья вырубят, их отвозят на бумажную фабрику. Кора и корни сжигаются и используются, чтобы произвести энергию. Остальная часть дерева вымывается и затем разрыхляется на маленькие кусочки для того, чтобы превратиться в мягкую массу. Превращение в мягкую массу - химический процесс, который отделяет деревянные волокна от лигнина и других деревянных частей. После превращения в мягкую массу бумага имеет светло-коричневый цве
Traditional British cuisine is usually described as plain, conservative and unvaried. There exists a popular joke that it’s the worst cuisine in the world, moreover, the British themselves often say so. Indeed, classic British dishes are not too dainty, but they are nourishing, natural and tasty, much attention here is paid to the food quality. Residents of Great Britain prefer local food to imported products, so, nearly all fish, milk and meat products are produced within the country, and vegetables are grown by local farmers.
Meals during a day in Britain traditionally include breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. Both lunch and supper sometimes can be replaced by dinner, which is the main meal of the day and can take place either in the afternoon, or in the evening. “Tea” is usually a separate ceremony, which has traditionally been held at 5 p.m. Nowadays this tradition is not strictly observed, so, tea can be had at any time of the day, sometimes even late at night.
So, let’s begin with breakfast. As you have probably guessed, it’s the first morning meal. Classic British breakfast is rather substantial, and it includes not only porridge. Of course, cereals play an important role in the national menu, so they are often cooked for breakfast. But apart from them, in the morning the British often cook omelets and scrambled eggs with cheese, bacon or sausages, toasts, pastries, orange juice, black or white coffee. Sometimes eggs are served with kidney bean, mushrooms and tomatoes. As you see, in Britain you won’t stay hungry in the morning!
As for lunch, it usually includes light refreshments, such as sandwiches, chips and fish, fruit or chocolate bars. As a rule, lunchtime is 12 a.m. It is worth mentioning that sandwiches with different fillings are a traditional British snack. The most popular fillings are cheese, bacon, chicken, cucumber, tuna and others.
Dinner is always the most substantial meal during the day. For dinner the British often have soup and the main course, such as meat, poultry or fish with vegetables or mashed potatoes. It is followed with a dessert, for example an apple pie. Soups are not very popular in Britain. However meat dishes are presented in British cuisine in a large variety. Probably, the most well-known of them is roast beef, which is often served with grilled vegetables, roast potatoes or Yorkshire pudding. Apart from beef, the British cook steaks of pork, lamb and sometimes turkey or chicken