Fashion. Fashion has been being ever. And people, who are in fashion or not, have been ever too. So at one moment question of my essay will stand up before each child or teenager, who is influenced of public and peers’ opinion in particular, “Should I look nice and follow fashion?”. In this essay I’ll answer on this question with my punk view. I am going to consider only the second part my topic (about fashion and its following), because I think that word “nice” is too blurry and everybody has their own understanding.
I think fashion and its following mustn’t have big value and role in our life. There’re a lot of reasons of me opinion. At first, modern “high” fashion is very uncomfortable and impractical, expensive and inaccessible, and, of course, clothes from some famous designers can be very “strange” and incomprehensible for simple men in the street, and I aren’t talking about the biggest prices. This problem leads us to the second reason: inaccessibility of fashion clothes makes class inequality and the second problem, which is described better by old Russian proverb: “Meeting on clothes, but escorted to the mind”. I.e. our first view about man depends from his (or her) look too much. And here I would like to write about the sorest problem of fashion (and the school uniform, in particular, for me as a pupil) – when you are following fashion, want to please people, who see in you only “candy wrappers”, you are losing your chance for self-expression in clothes, so for some people you will be only empty wrapper, without stuffing, which is making your personality.
But I would be a fool if I didn’t understand that most men on our planet think and do as in the proverb, which was shown by me higher. And I don’t think that it is absolutely wrong, I understand that this “rule” couldn’t born on empty place, and it has its pros (grounds) and minuses: early I wrote about self-expression in our clothes, because I really consider clothes, that we wear, are reflection of our inner world, soul. In my opinion it’s normal to evalyuate people from their looks, but there is very big chance that this mark will be wrong.
In conclusion I repeat, that I understand fashion will unlikely disappear from our heads and planet, and it has a lot of pros, but and I will ever fight for free expression and independence our judgments from the subjective factors.
. My brother is still in the hospital now?
e) An
f) The
g) A
h) –
2. Please seat … you like.
e) What
f) Whatever
g) Anywhere
h) Somewhere
3. My brother can… speak four foreign languages.
e) May
f) Can
g) Must
h) Shouldn’t
4. What are… they doing?
e) Is
f) Am
g) Do
h) Are
5. It rained yesterday
E) Had rain
F) Is raining
G) Rained
H) Rains
6. Choose the correct form of the verb. The Declaration of Independence was written on the 4th of July in 1776 by the American colonists.
a) was written
b) is written
c) have been written
d) had been written
7. Guess the most picturesque and most moving ceremony in Wales. This holiday calls upon the people of Wales each year to send forth its singers and poets to take part in this colourful tournament. answer c)
a) Easter
b) New Year
c) Eisteddfod
d) Naadam
8. Choose the correct form of the verb. I had lunch at last. Now we can go to the cinema.
a) Had
b) Have
c) have head
d) have been having
9. Choose the correct variant. "Why didn't you go to the museum with us, Dick?" the teacher asked. Answer b)
b) The teacher asked why Dick hadn't gone to the museum with them.
10. Choose the correct form of the verb. If I get up early tomorrow morning, I will go jogging.
a) will get up, go
b) got up, am going
c) get up, will go
d) am getting up, will go
11. Choose the correct form of the verb.
The wind ..has blowing. so much that they couldn't put up their tent.
a) is blowing
b) blew
c) has been blowing
d) has blowing
12. Choose the correct form of the verb. By the time he got to the coach station the express bus to Liverpool ... had left.
a) Left
b) had left
c) has left
d) would leave
13. Find an exstra adjective. Articles can be Fascinating... .
a) Exciting
b) Fascinating
c) Thick
d) Witty
14. Choose the appropriate words. Television keeps,... us informed about the ...recent events at home and abroad.
a) keeping, recent
b) keeps, recent
c) keeps, recently
d) keeping, recently
15. Choose the correct variant.
"Why didn't you go to the museum with us, Dick?" the teacher asked. Answer B
a) The teacher asked why Dick didn't go to the museum with them.
b) The teacher asked why Dick hadn't gone to the museum with them.CORRECT
c) The teacher asked why didn't Dick go to the museum with them.
d) The teacher asked why hadn't Dick gone to the museum with them.
My parents have been to Astana many times.
e) Were
f) Was
g) Been
h) have been
17. You are reading this text now.
e) Are reading
f) Has read
g) Is reading
h) Was reading
18. They stayed with us last Christmas.
e) To stay
f) Stays
g) Stayed
h) Was staying
19. There Will be … a lot of work to do tomorrow.
e) Are going to
f) Will be
g) Was
h) Shall
20. The weather is Better than it was last month.
e) The better than
f) The best than
g) As better as
h) Better than
21) Do you want to come to the playground us?
a) Noun
c) Adjective
22) Mam baked cookies for us.
b) Verb
c) Adverb
d) Adjective
23) Suzie and John are planning to get married and …have…… a lot of children.
a) have CORRECT
b) make
c) bring
d) get
24) Choose the correct answer. I bought…. A new bike yesterday.
a) bought CORRECT
b) Have bought
c) buy
d) have
25) Choose the correct answer. Can you tell me…Where the station is?
a) Where CORRECT
b) wear
c) were
d) What
homework-schoolwork that a pupil is required to do at home
alphabet-a set of letters or symbols in a fixed order used to represent the basic set of speech sounds of a language, especially the set of letters from A to Z
dictionary-a book that lists the words of a language in alphabetical order and gives their meaning, or that gives the equivalent words in a different language
test-a written or spoken examination of a person's knowledge (usually a short one)
домашняя работа- школьная работа,которую должен выполнять ученик дома.
Алфавит-набор букв и символов в фиксированном порядке, используемый для представления основного набора звуков речи языка, особенно набора букв от А до Я
Словарь- книга, в которой перечислены слова языка в алфавитном порядке и дается их значение, или в которой даются одинаковые слова на другом языке.
Тест-письменный или устный экзамен для проверки знаний человека (обычно короткий)