1. To end the contract, one month’s written notice (by post not e-mail) is required. 2. Politeness can help to improve the working environment for people in the same office. 3. Job applications are examined and the best candidates are interviewed. 1. Для расторжения контракта требуется письменное уведомление за один месяц (по почте, а не через электронную почту) . 2. Вежливость может улучшить рабочую среду для людей, работающих в одном офисе. 3. Заявления на приём на работу рассматриваются и с лучшими кандидатами проводится собеседование.
It was late and the streets were empty as i was going back home after work last Friday evening. Suddenly i went to a dead end and heard some noise behind me.I turned around and became very frightened.Behind me there was a tall man in a suit and he had brass knuckles in his hand.It was like out of the blue.Threatening me with his brass knuckles the mugger told me to give him money and my car keys.I called for help.It's good that the police department were close.Soon police grabbed the criminal.They drew up a protocol of the attack.When I went to the police department,I had to identify the criminal police started a criminal case. I came back home late night and was tired.
1. Jane is going to the cinema.
She is going to the cinema.
2. I am a girl.
I am nice.