чтобы образовать past simple, нужно употребить вторую форму глагола. у большинства глаголов она образуется путем добавления окончания “-ed” к инфинитиву. если глагол заканчивается на “e“, добавляется просто “d“, если глагол заканчивается “y“, то она заменяется на “i” перед).
А отрицательные и вопросительные предложения в Past Simple строятся с добавления формы времени глагола “to do – did” и инфинитива смыслового глагола.
Did you arrive in time?
Didn’t you eat yet?
We didn’t go to the movies after all.
Глагол “to be” в отрицательном или вопросительном предложении в Past Simple не требует добавления глагола “to do“.
WasI late?
Was he glad?
Were you all right?
Всё, я надеюсь тебе немного
1) Volcanic eruption is dangerous because the blast of hot, choking gases and ash can kill people and animals. Besides, the lava is dangerous as it destroys the countryside and surrounding areas.
2) Scientists usually predict the eruption so the natural disaster can't catch people by surprise.
3) The emergency workers are busy during and after the eruption evacuating people from the area, searching for the survivors and rescuing people.
4) Yes, they often work in dangerous situations. To my mind, they put themselves in danger, because they love their job and they want to save people's lives.
5) If you want to be an emergency worker you should have a good physical form and excellent health. As for me, I don't want to be an emergency worker, because this job is too dangerous.