1.Before traveling check the road and provide good technical condition of the vehicle in accordance with the main provisions for the admission of vehicles to operate and duties of officials to ensure road safety. 2.Do not drive with the failure of the service braking system, steering drawbar 3.Before driving, remodeled, turn (turn) and stop the driver must give the signals direction indicator light corresponding direction, and if they are missing or inoperative - hand. 4.It is driven bicycle column in two rows in the case where the overall width does not exceed 0.75 bicycle m.
Nowadays people have discovered that our planet is under treat. One of the main problems is destruction of the rainforest a. Loggin companies cut down the trees for paper. There are also another problems, related with destruction of the rainforests, for example, changes of climate, pollution of the air, drought, famines and also ground shifts in some regions. Another problem is water pollution. Factories are polluting rivers and lakes with dangerous chemicals. Therefore, sea life is threatened with extinction. The last problem is air pollution. The cars and factory chimneys are giving off dangerous fumes. Because of the air pollution is decreasing the level of oxygen in the air.
ответ:Mr and MRS Kelly have lived here since 1958