выбрать правильный вариант ответа.
1. Her knowledge of the subject was only …….
a) external b) outer c) outward d) superficial
2. Billy is a most …… young man; he can do a lot of different jobs well.
a) capable b) cunning c) industrious d) laborious
3. They can’t teach him anything because he already knows his subject ……
a) from cover to cover b) from top to toe c) inside out d) upside-down
4. You completely misunderstood my instructions; you got hold of the wrong end of the ……
a) line b) rope c) stick d) story
5. It was a great ……. to study under such an outstanding teacher.
a) favour b) fortune c) privilege d) value
6. Mr. Violin has been teaching music for years, even though he hasn’t got any …….
a) examinations b) experience c) experiment d) qualifications
7. Mr. Horrid was a terrible teacher and obviously not …… for teaching.
a) cut in b) cut on c) cut out d) cut up
8. Our Maths teacher applied for a year’s ……… leave to write his PhD dissertation.
a) sabbatical b) satanic c) superfluous d) suspended
9. Will you help me to …... for tomorrow’s exam?
a) go through b) read c) review d) revise
10. As my exam is next month, I’ll take advantage of the week off to …... on some reading.
a) catch up b) hurry up c) make up d) pick up
В детстве я очень любила делать "секретики". Сначала надо было найти особое место - уединенное, но в то же время близкое к дому и чем-то примечательное. Потом выкопать маленькую ямку и сложить туда разные драгоценности - бусинки, пуговицы, листочки, перышки и обертки от конфет. Закрыть все подходящим по размеру, лучше цветным, стеклышком, а сверху засыпать землей. И после этого позвать самую лучшую подружку (ведь всем подряд секреты не показывают), чтобы, потихоньку расчищая пальчиком землю, удивить ее своим чудесным творением.
Each new generation is different from the previous one - it's the law, unchanged throughout the life of mankind. Of course, in that many of the positive, and rightly so. But all known, has two sides, even progress. What are they, today's children? How are they different from us? What are their achievements and challenges? His observations to share with us the psychologist Svetlana Ievleva.
As a child I loved to do, "sekretiki". First, it was necessary to find a special place - a secluded but at the same time close to home and something remarkable. Then dig a small hole and put to different jewelry - beads, buttons, leaves, feathers and candy wrappers. Close all the appropriate size, better color, bits of glass, and the top covered with soil. And then call the best girlfriend (because consecutive all secrets do not show) that, slowly clearing the ground finger, surprise her with his wonderful creation.