dear ann,
i'm very glad to hear you again. sorry for not writing for so long, i've been really busy at school.
so, you've written that you are going to visit *страна*. i'm happy to hear it! you should visit lost of places, my country is so big and beautiful! for, instance, *3-4 достопримечательности*. with no doubts you can stay at my place! me and my parents will be very happy to see you. the weather in june is usually very pleasant. however, it can be rainy or even cold, so take both warm and cold clothes.
write back soon, *имя*.
Объяснение: В конце это суффиксы , которые образуют существительные, прилагательные и наречие
В начале это приставка, которая делает слово в отрицательной
Отметила тебе на фотографии, что выделить нужно будет