ответ:1- сейчса мир судит людей только по обложке2-Да она доказывает , более богатые люди носят брендовую и эксклюзивную одежду3-Да им нравится , сейчас практически вся одежда брендовая4- да , бедные люди покупают одежду на базарах и ярмарках5- Чаще всего одежда человека может рассказать и о характере.Более оптимистичные люди носят яркие цвета одежды и так.далее1-now the world judges people only by the cover2-Yes, it does, wealthier people wear branded and exclusive clothing3-Yes they like it, now almost all clothing is branded4 - Yes, poor people buy clothes at bazaars and fairs5-most often, a person's clothing can tell you about their character.More optimistic people wear bright colors of clothing and so on.further
Тут все с переводом тут не все русское дальше просто проматать
1. Were we sitting too far to hear the lecturer?
2. Is there little traffic in this town?
3. Does it take a lot of time to do this work?
1. Were we sitting too far to hear the lecturer or the singer?
2. Is there little or much traffic in this town?
3. Does it take a lot of or little time to do this work?
1. How far were we sitting to hear the lecturer?
2. Where is there little traffic?
3. How much time does it take to do this work?
1. We were sitting too far to hear the lecturer, weren't we?
2. There is little traffic in this town, isn't there?
3. It takes a lot of time to do this work, doesn't it?
к подлежащему
1. Who was sitting too far to hear the lecturer?
2. What traffic is there in this town?
3. What takes a lot of time?