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Нужна Вместо точек вставьте нужное наречие :
quickly, carefully, always, terribly, slowly, well .1. He sings … .2. She climbed the ladder … . 3. We … go for a walk in the evening. 4. The train came … and I was late.5. Pupils went … to the school . 6. Jack can’t play guitar and he is playing … now.
Exercise 2.
Cоставьте предложения используя следующие наречия :Fast , hard , near , early , soon
Например :
Jack walks slowly that is why he is always late. – Джек ходит медленно, поэтому он всегда опаздывает.
He has already read this book. – Он уже читал эту книгу.
1) Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений :
Самая рас форма лекарственных препаратов , определенные свойства , вс вещества, преодолеть определенные трудности, применение определенного давления, растворяться во рту , для внутренного применения , увеличение трения, смазывающие вещества, скользящее свойство.

2) Переведите русские слова каждого предложения , используя слова , данные ниже :
to state, to find, to be necessary, to know .1) Известно, that the tablet is the most common form of a drug.2) Было установлено, that a tablet shows definite properties of mechanical strength.3) Было необходимо to avoid unnecessary complications. 4) Было обнаружено , that another important effect of higher pressures is an increase in friction.

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travelling by plane

no wonder that one of the latest means of travelling is travelling by plane. nowadays people mostly travel by air. it combines both comfort and speed and you will reach the place of destination very quickly. no doubt, travelling by air is the most convenient and comfortable means of travelling. but if you are airsick the flight may seem not so nice to you. unfortunately sometimes the flights are delayed because of unfavourable weather conditions, and one more inconvenience is jet-lag.

before boarding the plane you must check in at the airport. passengers are requested to arrive at the airport one hour before departure time on international flights and half an hour on domestic flights. you must register your tickets, weigh in and register the luggage.

the economy class limitation is 20 kg. first-class passengers are allowed 30 kg. excess luggage must be paid for. passengers are permitted, to take only some personal belongings with them into the cabin. these items include handbags, brief-cases or attache cases, umbrellas, coats and souvenirs bought at the tax-free shops at the airport. each passenger is given a boarding pass to be shown at the departure gate and again to the stewardess when boarding the plane.

before the plane takes off the stewardess gives you all the information about the flight, the speed and altitude. she asks you to fasten the belts and not to smoke. she will take care of you during the flight and will help you to get comfortable in your seat. inside the cabins the air is always fresh and warm. the captain will welcome you on board, tell you all about the flight and the interesting places you are flying over. during the flight you can take a nap or have a chat, you can read and relax. in some planes you can watch video or listen to the music.


путешествие на самолете

he удивительно, что самый современный способ путешествия — это путешествие самолетом. сегодня люди в основном путешествуют на самолете. он сочетает в себе комфорт и скорость, вы доберетесь до места назначения быстро. без сомнения, путешествие самолетом — самое удобное и комфортное средство передвижения. но если вы подвержены воздушной болезни, полет может показаться вам не таким уж приятным. к сожалению, иногда рейсы задерживаются из-за неблагоприятных погодных условий. еще одно неудобство — это расстройство биоритмов в связи с перелетом через несколько часовых поясов.

перед посадкой на самолет вы должны зарегистрироваться в аэропорту. пассажирам необходимо прибыть в аэропорт за один час до отправления для международных перелетов и за полчаса—для внутренних рейсов. вам необходимо зарегистрировать билеты, взвесить и сдать багаж.

пассажирам, путешествующим в эконом-классе, разрешается бесплатно провезти до 20 кг багажа. пассажирам, путешествующим первым классом (бизнес-классом), разрешается бесплатно провезти до 30 кг багажа. за любой килограмм багажа, превышающий установленные нормы бесплатного провоза багажа, производится дополнительная оплата в соответствии с багажным тарифом. вы можете взять с собой в салон некоторые личные вещи. они включают женские сумочки, кейсы, портфели для документов, зонты, плащи и сувениры, купленные в магазинах беспошлинной продажи в аэропорту. у каждого пассажира есть посадочный талон, который необходимо предъявить при посадке на авиалайнер и стюардессе в салоне самолета

4,8(76 оценок)
My dear foreign friend! i want to tell you how i traveled to vladivostok. my journey began with the village of novokievskiy uval i went along with my parents. from the village of novokievsky uval we rode a big bus, drove 2 hours to svobodny. it was very uncomfortable, the bus was hot, uncomfortable and boring. when we arrived at svododnyi, we stopped at the station. there my mother bought 3 train tickets. we waited for the train to arrive for 4 hours. when we boarded the train, it was very good and comfortable, unlike the bus, it was comfortable and comfortable to sleep, we drove to vladivostok for 24 hours. it was very interesting to watch from the train to a lively sight-seeing, we drove through many interesting places and cities. but i did not peer, i listened to music all the way and slept.i woke up and we were already in vladivostok, it was a very beautiful and lively city, we arrived at night, it was glowing with colorful lights. in this city i saw a lot of interesting and exciting things. there were many different people in it, even foreign guests. many attractions . restaurants, theaters, exhibitions and amusement parks.i went to vladivostok to rest and enjoy the stunning views of the city, go on different attractions, go to the big theater and eat seafood, because because the city has a sea, it is in the seaside region, very rich and there is a beautiful beach. the sea is called japanese. it is very beautiful and you can relax and unwind. at the end of your journeyat the end of my journey, i want to say that: i did not want to say goodbye to this beautiful city and its locality. but the journey to vladivostok leaves a lot of good memories in my memory. i sincerely wish that you will respond to my letter to my foreign guest. i am very happy and i am waiting for your answer. see you !
4,7(65 оценок)
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