1. Tom hates mathematics ; he always reads history during his mathematics lesson
2. Everyone was reading quietly when suddenly the door burst open and a complete stranger rushed in
3. I went to Jacks house but didn't him in. His mother said that she didn't know what he was doing but thought he was probably playing football.
4.This used to be a station and all the London trains stopped here. But two years ago they closed the station and gave us a bus service instead.
5. She promised not to report me to the police but ten minutes later I saw her talking with a policeman and from the expression on his face i am sure she told him all about it.
1. Does his mother play the guitar very well? - Его мама хорошо играет на гитаре?
2. Does the child ride a bicycle? - Ребенок катается на велосипеде?
3. Do the pupils write a control work? - Ученики пишут контрольную работу?
4. Do their grandparents watch TV in the evening? - Их бабушка и дедушка смотрят телевизор по вечерам?
Общий вопрос - это вопрос, ответом на который будет ДА или НЕТ.
Для это используем вс глагол DO или DOES и ставим его в начало предложения.
DOES для he, she, it и ед. числа:
his mother - его мама (ед.ч); the child - ребенок (ед.ч)
DO для I, You, We, They и множ. числа:
the pupils - ученики (мн.ч.); their grandparents - их бабушка с дедушкой (мн.ч.)