Вот первое. Я нигде не списываю. Загружай остальные отдельно. Task 1. English has become a 1) means of communication … within some countries where different groups of people speak 2) different languages. You must work hard to learn your 3) first foreign language. Some people can 4) speak more than one language. We must 5) study foreign languages at school. There are some differences between 6) British and American English . English is the 7) official language in Australia. Most 8) vocabulary in the modern computer science is in English. English is the 9) …only solution to the communicate problems. If a person doesn’t know 10) foreign languages he can’t hope to know all the news in his field.
1)She asked when it had been the first time you met your friend 2)She asked how long it had been since you got a friend 3)He said that he could trust my friend totally 4)She said that Mary supported her when she was in need 5)He said that he would go out on a picnic with his friends 6)She said that her mum had always been the most important friend in her life 7)mum said that a friend was like a plant of slow growth" 8)father asked what had happened to my friend 9)she asked who you went to when you had problems 10)he said that they were having a debating on friendship at that moment
Task 1. English has become a 1) means of communication … within some countries where different groups of people speak 2) different languages. You must work hard to
learn your 3) first foreign language. Some people can 4) speak more than one
language. We must 5) study foreign languages at school. There are some differences between 6) British and American English . English is the 7) official language in Australia. Most 8) vocabulary in the modern computer science is in English. English is the 9) …only solution to the communicate problems. If a person doesn’t know 10) foreign languages he can’t hope to know all the news in his field.