1. If you never hurt someone’s feelings, you are a polite and friendly person. — Если ты никогда не ранишь чьи-то чувства, то ты вежливый и дружелюбный человек.
2. If you are good at listening to others, people enjoy your company. — Если ты хорошо слушаешь других, то люди наслаждаются твоей компанией.
3. If you are a good speaker, people enjoy listening to you. — Если ты хороший оратор, то люди любят слушать тебя.
4. If you are a good observer, you see little details. — Если ты хороший наблюдатель, то ты видишь маленькие детали.
5. If you are a hardworking person, you care about your work. — Если ты трудолюбивый человек, ты заботишься о своей работе.
2. She said she loved travelling.
3. She said she visited Mumbai last year.
4. She said her mum and dad were planning a trip to Antarctica.
5. She said she was looking forward to it.
6. She said they would get a cold.
3.1. Holly said Martin's jacket was nice.
2. Mum said she had cooked the pasta.
Billy said he would make some salad.
3. Dad said he read this book back at school.
4. Mia told Megas she was going to Morocco in July.