Everything here has been very unpredictable and strange. Even the girl learned long poems and the multiplication table out she is sikos-nakos. Alice herself did not recognize, even decided that it is not she and the other girl. From the endless oddities and grief the main character was crying, aplakov lake in which I almost drowned. She discovered that not one shake in this strange lacrimal lake. Next to her snorted the Mouse. Alice, being a polite girl, I struck up a conversation with her, how embarrassing it would be to be silent. Unfortunately, she was talking about cats remembering their beloved pet back home. But, offended at the callousness of Alice, the Mouse went away.
1)Power plants burn coal and emit toxic fumes. 2)There is oxygen and water in the atmosphere. When pollutions, water and oxygen collectsin the clouds, it becomes acid rain. 3)"Snow", "slush", "acid fog" are other names of acid rain. 4)Air pollution causes acid rain, sothe government tries to reduce it. 5)When it rains, the pollution falls on trees, flowers, buildings – everywhere! 6)Some industries try to use new technologies in order to helpmake factories less harmful to the environment. 7)We can use solar energy instead of electricity toheat our homes. 8)When acid rain enters the soil, it poisons trees and plants. 9)We must take care about the environment because the Earth is our home!