B) have got, are
We have got a grandfather and a grandmother. They are old.
(У нас есть дедушка и бабушка. Они старенькие.)
Правило употребления конструкции have got:
Для местоимений I, we, you, they и существительных во множественном числе используется форма have got, а для местоимений he, she, it и существительных в единственном числе – has got.
Правило употребления глагола to be:
Глагол to be имеет три формы настоящего времени: am, is, are.
Для местоимения I используем форму am.
Для местоимений we, you, they и существительных во множественном числе используется форма are, а для местоимений he, she, it и существительных в единственном числе – is.
2work or business
6monthly, tracing or skill
Occupation is a persons usual___. The main aim of any type of occupation is . It can be on a daily or basis. "Occupation" is used mainly on official forms.
2. Position is the ___ of any person is which he/she does his/her duties and which is usually above manual labour. It is a more formal word for a job. It is used especially in job advertisement.
3. Profession is a type of job that requires special ___
4. Job is the routine work done for earning money in the from of___
5. Work is the ___ that somebody does especially in order to earn money
6. Career is a job or profession that someone does ___ . It is a opportunity to build ___ in a particular business field by means of getting sufficient knowledge as will as experience