1. Вам предстоит выполнить данное упражнение: Заполнить пробелы, используя настоящее настоящее совершенное совершенное, длительные времена.
These are Sarah and Tom Miller whoL (live) in a small town in the countryside together with their parents. (move) J(llive) a huge city with a lot of traffic and noise. So, it is no surprise that al A couple of years ago they there and before that they family members (enjoy) small town (work) at a bank in town and Mes (not and the countryside. Mr Miller Miller (be) a housewife. She only look) after the house, but shel (also make) sure that the huge garden is always nice and lidy. At the moment Sarah (be) at school, Mr Miller and Tom (have) a (mit) in meeting and Mrs Miller and her neighbour, Mrs Evasson, the garden, drinking some coffee. Every Wednesday Mrs Miller and Mrs Evasson (meet). but one week ag0 Mrs Evasson (not visit) because she (not feel) well and (go) to the doctor's. In the afternoon Tom (usually play) football with his best friend (ride) their bikes because Peter wants to Peter, but today they try out his new.one Two days ago it (be) Peter's birthday and he (have) a party with all his friends. He (get) a new racing bike from his parents, some books and computer games and lots of sweets. Tom (be) at Peler's birthday party, too and he and the other guests (have) fot of fun While his guests (watch). Poter (blow) out the candies of his birthday cake and (make) a wish. All his friends (want) to know what he (wish) for, but Peter (not tell) anybody. While Tom was at Peter's birthday party his sister Sarah (stay) at home and finally be) (often read) two books a month. This She (read) afternoon (finish) the book at 7 p.m
Dear Liza,
Today I would like to tell you about my daily routine.
Every morning I wake up early, as I have to go school. I take a shower, get dressed, have breakfast and go to school. I have 5 or 6 lessons every day. After school I am back home. I have a diner and get rest watching tv. After it I do my home work, and then, if I have time I go for a walk.
Today is Saturday, so I have time to write to you. Now I'm going to go to the cinema with my sister. I'm waiting for her to pick me up.
And how do you usually spend your day?
Hope to hear from you again.
Best wishes.
Masha (a ты вместо Masha свое имя тут напиши)