Many of us think that if they have an abundance of money, then will become happy. Will be able to afford the most fashionable, technological, branded things. To travel all over the world. To eat the best food. Will find easier and bright life. I firmly believe that money not the most important in life of most of people. Very many relations have collapsed because of money. I will be honest, often the relations collapse because of lack of money. The friendship and the love, related relations spoil because of presence of money. Quarrels, half-words, lie and subterfuges result. Sometimes there is a rupture of strong communications and the relations. Don't lend money to the family, friends, colleagues and darlings. If you want to help, present them for what they need money.
А. Распредели слова по столбикам в зависимости от правила чтения буквы y. [ai] [i] dry Вetsy my jelly eye History bue Geography
Б. Напиши,какие глаза,уши,нос,голова,ноги,хвост и тело у этих животных. 1. An elephant has got a FAT body. 2. A frog has got BIG eyes. 3. A mouse has got a LONG tail. 4. A sheep has got THIN legs. 5. A dog has got BIG ears. 6. An elephant has got a LONG nose. 7. A dog has got a BIG head.