5. Ящик легкий, а не тяжелый - Ящик не тяжелый, а _____?
6. У меня есть двое детей, а не у моего друга - У моего друга нет детей, а есть _____?
7. Мы иногда опаздываем на уроки, а не часто - Мы не часто опаздываем на уроки, а иногда _____?
8. Джон делает мало ошибок в своих тестах, а не много - Джон делает много ошибок в своих тестах, а не _____?
9. Хелен их кузина, а не их племянница - Хелен их племянница, а не _____?
10. Роберт увлекается чтением, а не его друзья - Роберт не увлекается чтением, а его друзья _____?
1. Our teacher will be happy if we answer all the questions correctly. (Present Simple + Present Simple)
Explanation: In the first conditional, we use the present simple in the if-clause (the condition) and the future simple in the main clause (the result). In this sentence, the condition is "if we answer all the questions correctly" and the result is "our teacher will be happy."
2. If they have enough money, they will buy a new car. (Present Simple + Future Simple)
Explanation: Similar to the previous sentence, we use the present simple in the if-clause and the future simple in the main clause. The condition is "if they have enough money" and the result is "they will buy a new car."
3. I will be very angry with Nick if he forgets my CD again. (Future Simple + Present Simple)
Explanation: In this sentence, the if-clause is in the future simple tense and the main clause is in the present simple tense. The condition is "if he forgets my CD again" and the result is "I will be very angry with Nick."
4. You will get very wet if you walk in this rain. (Future Simple + Present Simple)
Explanation: The if-clause is in the future simple tense and the main clause is in the present simple tense. The condition is "if you walk in this rain" and the result is "you will get very wet."
5. We will pass the exam if we study hard. (Future Simple + Present Simple)
Explanation: The if-clause is in the future simple tense and the main clause is in the present simple tense. The condition is "if we study hard" and the result is "we will pass the exam."
6. If the weather is not too bad tomorrow, we will play football. (Present Simple + Future Simple)
Explanation: The if-clause is in the present simple tense and the main clause is in the future simple tense. The condition is "if the weather is not too bad tomorrow" and the result is "we will play football."
7. If we learn more about history, we will not be afraid of the test. (Present Simple + Future Simple)
Explanation: The if-clause is in the present simple tense and the main clause is in the future simple tense. The condition is "if we learn more about history" and the result is "we will not be afraid of the test."
8. If I find his phone number, I will call him tonight. (Present Simple + Future Simple)
Explanation: The if-clause is in the present simple tense and the main clause is in the future simple tense. The condition is "if I find his phone number" and the result is "I will call him tonight."
9. If I wear this hat, I will look like an old man. (Present Simple + Future Simple)
Explanation: The if-clause is in the present simple tense and the main clause is in the future simple tense. The condition is "if I wear this hat" and the result is "I will look like an old man."
10. If I find her address, I will send her an invitation. (Present Simple + Future Simple)
Explanation: The if-clause is in the present simple tense and the main clause is in the future simple tense. The condition is "if I find her address" and the result is "I will send her an invitation."
Overall, in the first conditional, we use the present simple tense in the if-clause to talk about real and possible situations, and the future simple tense in the main clause to talk about the result or consequence of that situation.