Заполнить пропуски возвратными местоимениями. Писать только ответ:
1. How did the children behave….. this afternoon?
2. When you have all had a swim, you should dry …. with towels.
3. Quick! Jimmy has hurt ……!
4. May I introduce ….?
5. All the people in the meeting introduced …… to us.
6. I hope the children behaved……
7. My dad cut…. while shaving yesterday.
8. We had lovely holidays in Paris and enjoyed ….. very much.
9. You mustn’t blame ….. for the accident.
10. Don’t worry about the dog. It can look after ………
Вам нужно прочитать текст и утверждения (1-8) и ответить True или False. Писать только ответ, не забудьте указать название текста.
Five Ways to Reach a Healthy Weight.
Regular physical activity burns calories and builds muscle - it helps you to look and feel good and keep fit. Walking the family dog, cycling to school, and doing other things for your daily activity can all make a difference. If you want to burn more calories, add some strength exercises to build muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn, even when you aren't exercising.
Fruit and vegetables are about more than just vitamins and minerals. They're also packed with fibre, which means they fill you up. And when you eat fruit and vegetables, you're less likely to overeat when it comes to high-calorie foods like chips or cookies.
Sizes of portions have increased over the past 10 years, and it means extra calories. Another important key factor in weight gain is that more people drink sugary beverages such as sodas, juice drinks, and energy drinks. So choose smaller portions and drink water or law-fat milk instead of soda.
One reason people do less exercises these days is because of spending more time watching TV, looking at the computer, or playing video games.
Breakfast gives you energy to do more during the day. People who don't have breakfast often feel so hungry that they eat more later on. So they get more calories than if they eat breakfast.
1.Physical activity is only good for burning calories.
2. Cycling burns more calories than strength exercises.
3. Fruit and vegetables fill your stomach and give vitamins to your body.
4. If you eat a lot vegetables, you won't feel like eating sweet things.
5. Portions used to be bigger in the past.
6. It is not necessary to have breakfast.
7. Low-fat milk contains the same amount of calories as energy drinks.
8. The more you eat for breakfast the hungrier you are later during the day.
CРОЧНО! за ответ
это конечно не эссе,ну вот держи))*peoplein different countries have different ideas about what is good to eat and what is the best diet for them. so, we live in a country where breakfast is a very rich meal. we have not only roll with butter, jam of honey, but ham or sausage and fried eggs or porridge as well. tea is taken at breakfast more often than coffee. well, when i get up in the morning the only thing i can face is a glass of some juice or mineral water, it raises my spirits a bit. then, several minutes later i have my typical breakfast. a cup of tea with some sandwiches or scrambled eggs with milk.lunch is not very popular in our country but when we have some breaks at university called “windows” we have lunch in our university’s canteen, we have a bit of choice there.the main and the most abundant meal of the day is diner, but as we are students it’s better to call it supper. a full typical dinner comprises soup, a main course and a dessert. my favourite soups are redbeet and mushroom soups. for the main course i typically have some meat or fish, potatoes and vegetables. the most typical meat is a pork or veal chops or chicken. some other dishes served as appetizers for dinner or for supper are different kinds of salads. according to our tradition, good food should be accompanied by good drink. for dinner or supper people sometimes drink vodka, wine or beer. as for me sometimes i drink vine with my mum after supper.as for my eating and drinking habits, i can tell that i’m not into sweets and as most men think that chocolate is nothing else but a kind of sweets. i dislike any kinds of rolls, buns, cakes and pies. but i’m into hot mexican and chinese food, hot pizzas, chilly and sushi.on special occasions, my family goes out to eat in clubs and restaurants. i like trying cuisine of different countries. and while being in different countries i always trying their national cuisine. i don’t think i’d like to eat this every day but it’s really good for a change.in the end i should mention that we always should remember that we eat to live but not live to eat.-я писала в школе такое сочинение и мне поставили конечно не эссе,а сочинение,но мне кажется сойдет))