1 I usually wait for Tom. He is always late.
2 We have coffee every morning.
3 Mary plays the piano every evening.
4 Where is John? - He is playing the piano.
5 She is in the kitchen. She is making tea for us.
6 What are you looking at? – I am looking at that tree in the garden.
7 I always make my bed before breakfast.
8 They are talking now. They talk every day.
9 He is drinking coffee now. He drink coffee every morning.
10 What is she writing now?
Present Simple - время, обозначающее события, которые происходят постоянно и они повторяются.
I drink tea every morning
Я пью чай каждое утро.
Present Continuous - время, обозначающее события на данный момент.
She is drinking tea now.
Она сейчас пьёт чай.
Present Simple мы используем, если:
1)говорим о регулярных, обычных действиях:
I go to school every day. Я хожу в школу каждый день.
2)говорим о научных фактах:
:Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. — Вода кипит при температуре 100 градусов по Цельсию.
3)говорим о расписании:
:The train leaves at 11.00 a.m. — Поезд отправляется в 11 утра.
4) видим использование маркеров: usually, always, rarely, seldom, sometimes, often, never, every day, every week, every month, in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night, at the weekend: She usually gets up early. — Она обычно рано встает.
5)говорим о спортивных комментариях, репортажах:
:He committees a foul and has a yellow card. — Он нарушает правила и получает желтую карточку.
6) Действия в момент речи обозначаются глаголами, которые не употребляются в Present continuous:
like, want, need, prefer, know, realise, suppose, mean, understand, believe, remember, belong, fit, contain, consist, think, see, hear.
I see a girl in the park now. — Я сейчас вижу в парке девушку.
Present Continuous если:
1)Действия происходят в данный момент речи:
в данный момент речи:I am writing a letter now. — Я сейчас пишу письмо.
2) Действия находятся в процессе:
тся в процессе: I’m reading an interesting book. — Я читаю интересную книгу. (Я начал ее читать, но еще не закончил)
3)Действия развиваются или меняются: The population is growing. — Численность населения растет.
4)Говорим о планах и договоренностях:
:I’m seeing her next week. — Я встречусь с ней на следующей неделе.
5)Описываем действия и поведение людей, которые раздражают:
и поведение людей, которые раздражают:He is always smoking. — Он всегда курит.
6)есть маркеры времени:
now, at that moment, today, tonight, tomorrow, next week, this week, this month, still
1. My family and I went to Turkey in 2008. Where did you go in 2008?
2. We travelled there by plane.
3. We stayed in a hotel.
4. We stayed there for 14 days.
5. The weather was horrible because it was too hot all the time.
6. We usually had meals in cafés near our hotel.
7. We did exercises every morning.
8. We made some really good friends.
9. We had great fun with singing our favourite songs.
10. We phoned home every 2 days to tell the news.
11. We decided to look at our best photos during the holiday on the way home.
12. We were very tired because our flight bach was delayed.
The pyramid is called "ahet-Khufu" - "Khufu's Horizon" (or more accurately, "Belonging to the horizon - (a) of Khufu"). Consists of blocks of limestone, basalt and granite. It was built on a natural hill. Despite the fact that the pyramid of Cheops - the highest volume and most of all the pyramids of Egypt, but Pharaoh Sneferu built the pyramids in Meidum and Dahshute (Pink Bent Pyramid and Pyramid), the total mass is estimated at 8.4 million tonnes. This means that for the construction of these pyramids were used for 2.15 million tonnes or 25.6% more material than is needed for the pyramid of Cheops.
Originally the pyramid was faced with a more solid, than the basic blocks, white limestone. The top of the pyramid crowned with a gilded stone - piramidion. Facing the sun shone on the peach, like a "shining miracle, which God himself Sun Ra seemed to give all of its rays." In 1168 AD. Oe. Arabs looted and burned Cairo. Residents of Cairo was removed from the lining of the pyramid, in order to build a new home.