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12.03.2021 16:51 •  Английский язык

The control-audition for the 8' form pupils
Complete the statements listening to the text.
1. My parents
2. One day
3. The farmworker's children
4. The woman
2. Put the sentences in the correct chronological order
according to the story.
1. Once we met a poor farmer's family.
2.I was the only child for many years.
__3. My parents adopted the girl.
__4. The woman told the girl's story.
The text
The story of Victor Frankenstein.
I was born in Switzerland, in the city of Geneva where my family had been important for
many years. My father married his best friend's daughter. It was a most happy marriage and my
parents shared their love with me.
My mother hoped to have a daughter, but for five years I was their only child. Then my
parents took me on holidays to Italy, and we spent a week on shores of Lake Como.
One day we were out for a walk in the countryside and my mother saw a very small house
and a number of thin poorly clothed children playing in front of it. We could see that the family
had very little money, and that the children were hungry. My mother went and spoke to the
farmworker and his wife who lived in the house. Four of the children had the dark hair and eyes
of their parents. The fifth was a little girl, and she was very fair, with hair of gold and blue eyes.
The woman told my mother that this little girl was the daughter of an Italian nobleman
who had given them the child to look after when his wife died. The nobleman paid them well but
soon he died and left nothing to the little girl. However, the kind farmworker and his wife had
brought her up, though there was hardly enough for their own children.
So my parents adopted the little girl.
The control-reading for the 8 form pupils.
L Read the text and do the tasks,
My favourite writer.
My name is John, I am thirteen years old. I live in England, in Nottingham. I am fond of reading
English literature. We've got a big home library. My favourite writer is Charles Dickens. He was
bom in 1812 and lived till 1 870. He is one of England's greatest writers. At a young age Dickens
was forced to work in a factory under terrible conditions. The boy's childhood was very hard and
sad. Then Dickens worked as a reporter in law courts and later for London newspapers. In 1837
be published his comic novel "The Pickwick Papers" which made him popular. A long line of
successful novels followed: "Oliver Twist" (1837), "A Christmas Carol" (1843), "A Tale of Two
Cities" (1859) and "Great Expectations" (1861). Dickens saw all the social evils of the English
society and they worried him greatly. I'd like to point to the most favourite books of mine written
by this famous writer. The first one is a novel "David Copperfield" which he wrote in 1849 -
1850. This novel is partly based on Dickens's early life and his struggle to become a writer. The
characters in the book were actual people Dickens knew while many adventures of the hero,
David Copperfield, were part of his own experience as a young boy. Another novel which is
worth reading is "A Christmas Carol". It's a wonderful story written by Dickens more than a
century and a half ago. The writer wanted to show that love, care and patience: were much,
stronger that greediness, anger and hatred. People of all generations and of all times should
remember about it
1. Write what these numbers refer to :
1812_ 1837_

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Novgorod oblast has a unique location, which is called the transport-geographical. The region is traversed by several highways of Federal value and their total length exceeds 55 thousand kilometers. One of the environmental issues in Veliky Novgorod – the state of atmospheric air. Automobile emissions pollute the air, exceeding all the acceptable indicators.

Annual emissions of polluting substances in atmospheric air is about 48-50 thousand tonnes, of which only solids of about 11 thousand tons, gases and liquids – about 37 thousand tons, sulfur dioxide – 2.5 thousand tons, hydrocarbons – 7 thousand tons. The number of enterprises that pollute the environment, Acron, CHP of JSC "Novgorodenergo", JSC "Borovichi refractories plant". Despite the fact that many enterprises moderniziriruyutsya production base, and new equipment is installed, the environmental situation in General leaves much to be desired.

The main problem – air pollution is particularly acute in the major cities of the Novgorod region. For example, in Staraya Russa, the share of transport emissions accounts for about 80 percent of total emissions. Only in the last three years the volume of emissions into the air increased by 20 thousand tons.

Another environmental problem of the region - state water resources. Annually by the water users who are in different statuses, forms of ownership, was taken over 130 million cubic meters of clean water. Water consumption occurs irreversible way, with almost a third of the water is lost during transportation. The discharge of waste water in pools, local rivers is under the control of the controlling organizations, but the state of pure water is close to the critical point.

Study of water samples taken in different reservoirs, are the results of about 78 units for the sanitary-chemical indicators, and of the order of 33-35 units for microbiological indicators. Experts say that the annual discharge of sewage waters in the volume around 70 million cubic litres. It is from this indicator depends on the quality of drinking water in the region.

In the Novgorod region there are 72 wastewater treatment facilities and more than 250 stations physical-chemical treatment, they belong to different utilities of the region. In the process of purification of waste water brought to Sanmina established norms. But most treatment facilities have already outlived their usefulness and are in poor condition. Individual objects are not working effectively and therefore the definition of "insufficiently purified water in the Novgorod region is the place to be.

Environmental experts say that the natural sources of Veliky Novgorod have their own peculiarities of underground waters have a high content of salts of heavy metals, which affects the quality and security of supply of population with tap water. According to General Russian standards for drinking water of Velikiy Novgorod is classified as "moderately polluted". And this is because the natural sources contain elements of manganese, copper, iron, and purification process is not effective enough.

The next problem of the region is the warehousing of hazardous waste which are residues of raw materials and semi-finished products. They are classified as hazardous and moderately hazardous and non-hazardous. Hazardous wastes contain toxic, explosive and flammable substances, and placed in special landfills. For example, at the landfill "Krasny Yar" was recycled over 3 tons of toxic waste. Annually at the Novgorod landfills utilized up to 400 thousand tons of wastes which are classified as hazardous.
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Climate and weather have the strongest impact on a person, on all areas of his activity. We have the most sophisticated electronic computers and robots, the newest planes flying at speeds exceeding the speed of sound, equipped with sophisticated air navigation devices. We use spacecraft to explore the earth's surface, atmosphere, and planets hundreds of millions of kilometers from Earth. And yet the dependence on weather and climate, although it has diminished, is still people experiencing the joy of a sunny warm day, admiring the rainbow, fearing lightning and thunderstorms, blizzards, blizzards and hurricanes.

Man and climate, man and weather. This is a very complex interweaving of events and natural phenomena, but they cannot be looked at one-sidedly. Not only does the climate affect a person, forcing him to adapt in a certain way to his whims, but also human activity influences the climate and even transforms it.

Human economic activity directly affects the natural environment. Two types of climate impact should be distinguished: unintentional and intentional. The first is, as it were, forced, it strongly affects in one way or another all the components of the climate machine due to economic activities without which it is impossible to imagine life and the further improvement of human society. Intentional impacts on climate aim to artificially change it in the direction necessary for humanity.

климат и погода оказывают сильнейшее воздействие на человека, на все области его деятельности. У нас имеются сложнейшие электронно-вычислительные машины и роботы, новейшие самолеты, летающие со скоростью, превышающей скорость звука, снабженные совершенными аэронавигационными устройствами. Мы используем космические корабли для изучения земной поверхности, атмосферы и планет, отстоящих от Земли на сотни миллионов километров. И все же зависимость от погоды и климата хотя и уменьшилась, но по-прежнему люди испытывают радость от солнечного теплого дня, любуются радугой, опасаются молнии и гроз, буранов, метелей и ураганов.  

Человек и климат, человек и погода. Это очень сложное переплетение событий и природных явлений, но на них нельзя смотреть односторонне. Не только климат оказывает влияние на человека, заставляя его определенным образом при к его капризам, но и человеческая деятельность воздействует на климат и даже преобразует его.  

Хозяйственная деятельность человека непосредственно влияет на природную среду. Следует различать два типа воздействия на климат: непреднамеренное и намеренное. Первое - это как бы вынужденное, оно сильно влияет в той или иной мере на все компоненты климатической машины из-за хозяйственной деятельности, безкоторой невозможно представить жизнь и дальнейшее совершенствование человеческого общества. Намеренные воздействия на климат ставят перед собой цель искусственно изменить его в необходимом для человечества направлении.

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