1.(пример)You want to play football outside, but you live near a busy road. What does your father say? You mustn't play near the busy road 2.You threw a stone and it broke the kitchen window. What does your mother say? You mustn't throw stones. 3.Tomorrow is Sunday. You ask if you must get up early. What does your mother say? You needn't get up early. 4.Your father asks if you need help with your project, but you've finished it. What do you say? You needn't help me. 5.You haven't finished your homework, but you want to go out with your friends. What does your father say? You must finish your homework.
I must make sure cargoes reach their destination.
Я обязан следить за тем, чтобы грузы достигали места своего назначения.
We must build this house by autumn.
Мы должны построить этот дом до осени.
People must take care of nature.
Люди должны заботиться о природе.
I must return home by 5 o’clock – я должен вернуться к 5 часам
You must return home by 5 o’clock – вы должны вернуться к 5 часам
They must return home by 5 o’clock – они должны вернуться к 5 часам
He, she must return home by 5 o’clock – он, она должен (должна) вернуться к 5 часам
Must not
You must not use computer for more than 6 hours straight.
Нельзя сидеть за компьютером больше 6 часов подряд.
You must not distract students during the classes.
На занятиях нельзя отвлекать студентов.
I must not (mustn’t) return home by 5 o’clock – я не должен вернуться к 5 часам
You must not return home by 5 o’clock – вы не должны вернуться к 5 часам
They must not return home by 5 o’clock – они не должны вернуться к 5 часам
He, she must not return home by 5 o’clock – он, она не должен (должна) вернуться к 5 часам