Mark Twain is a famous American writer and humourist. He was born in 1835. His name was Samuel Clemens but he changed to Mark Twain, which came from his work on the river as a pilot (лоцман). Mark Twain had to work from an early age to earn his living. His father was a poor town lawyer. When Mark Twain started to write short stories, he became famous at once. He wrote many books such as "The Prince and the Pauper", " A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" and others. But his most famous books are "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" which made him popular all over the world. The great writer died in 1910.
Mary Poppins with a friend were walking in the woods. In a small clearing, they saw a green table. In the trunk there were scones with raspberry jam. They drank a lot of tea and ate the whole mountain of buns. The waiter told them where to find Mary Poppins' carousel. "It was nice to take care of you " said the waiter. (ˈмери) (ˈпапинз) (уиз) (э) (френд) (уэр) (ˈуокин) (ин) (зэ) (уудз). (ин) (э) (смол) (ˈклирин), (зей) (со) (э) (грин) (ˈтейбэл). (ин) (зэ) (транк) (зэр) (уэр) (скoунз) (уиз) (ˈрэзˌбери) (джэм). (зей) (дрэнк) (э) (лат) (эв) (ти) (энд) (ейт) (зэ) (хoул) (ˈмaунтэн) (эв) (банз). (зэ) (ˈуэйтэр) (тoулд) (зэм) (уэр) (тэ) (файнд) (ˈмери) (ˈпапинз) (ˈкерэˌсел). "(ит) (уэз) (найс) (тэ) (тейк) (кер) (эв) (ю) " (сед) (зэ) (ˈуэйтэр). Мэри Поппинс с другом гуляли в лесу. На небольшой поляне, они увидели зеленый стол. В сундуке были булочки с малиновым вареньем. Они выпили много чая и съели целую гору булочек. Официант сказал им, где найти карусель Поппинс '. "Было приятно услужить вам", сказал официант.