There are a lot of countries and nationalities in the world. Every country has its own language-In Russia – it is Russian, in Germany it is German, in Italy – it is Italian. But in most countries people understand you if you speak English. Every country has their own traditions and customs. In Russia we celebrate New Year in December, but in Thailand it is in April. In most European countries Christmas day is more important holiday then New Year. Every country has its own national anthem and flag. Every country has its own state system. In Great Britain the head of a country is the Queen. In most other countries it is a president. Every country has its own traditional dish. In Russia we eat borsch or meat dumplings. In England they like to eat fish and chips. In Germany they like fried sausages. Every country has own traditional clothes and religion.All countries are different. And all people are different. But we must respect each other and be friendly to each other.
Some people were easy to talk to, some people were not, some brought out the best in themselves and became interesting to lots of people, some didn't recieve any sympathies and some were left among the grey mass.
Перевод перевода: С некоторыми людьми было просто говорить (можно ещё some people were sociable), с некоторыми - нет, некоторые проявляли себя с лучшей стороны (свои лучшие качества) и становились интересны множеству людей, некоторые не завоевали ничьих симпатий, а некоторые остались среди серой массы.
Моя любимая книга "Рассказы Павлика Помидорова брата Люси Синыцыной" Её автор: Ирина Пивоварова Это книга о том как Павлика обзывали в новом дворе тефтеля, а он хотел доказать что он не такой как они его обзывали, то есть тефтеля. Один раз он услышал разговор двух дядяк, как один хотел украсть женщину. А он хотел её Ну потом выиснилось что это он не так понял разговор. А эти дяди оказались не приступниками, а... первый был фотограф второй художник. Когда все узнали то что Павлик хотел женщину, стали его хвалить и перестали обзывать тефтелей.
There are a lot of countries and nationalities in the world. Every country has its own language-In Russia – it is Russian, in Germany it is German, in Italy – it is Italian. But in most countries people understand you if you speak English. Every country has their own traditions and customs. In Russia we celebrate New Year in December, but in Thailand it is in April. In most European countries Christmas day is more important holiday then New Year. Every country has its own national anthem and flag. Every country has its own state system. In Great Britain the head of a country is the Queen. In most other countries it is a president. Every country has its own traditional dish. In Russia we eat borsch or meat dumplings. In England they like to eat fish and chips. In Germany they like fried sausages. Every country has own traditional clothes and religion.All countries are different. And all people are different. But we must respect each other and be friendly to each other.