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Cave men used to ... to discuss daily activities.
Inscribing on caves can be compared to .
The first means of distance communication were .
The smoke signal is still used in the Vatican to indicate .
Pigeons were used for long distance communication due to .
Cher Ami, a homing pigeon, was awarded for her service during world war I
Pony express was used to deliver messages and newspapers .
were used at sea during the late 19th century.
In the 19th century ... was the most popular way of long distance communication.
Radio in Latin means ... .
In 1864 James Maxwell showed mathematically that could travel through free space.
In 1894 Marconi made an electric bell which went off .
In 1920 ... began.
In 1876 Alexander Bell invented ... .
Only ... could afford the telephone at first.
PSTN is ... .
All state schools in Britain are free.
Education is compulsory from 5 till 16 years.
Children start primary school at 5.
At 11 pupils go to secondary schools.
At 16 pupils take a national exam called «G.C.S.E.» (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and then they can leave school if they wish.
Then they go to a college or university.
All state schools in Russia are free.
Children start going to school at 6 or 7. They study till 9th form.
After 9th form pupils have to sit for examinations.
They can go to the 10th grade of a general school or go to professional school.
After school pupils go to colleges and universities.