ответ: She's cooking in the kitchen
Выбери слово,наиболее подходящее по смыслу к выделенному:
1)to interview someone c) to ask somebody questions
2)parents - A)mum and dad
3sociable b) talkative
Выбери и встать слово, наиболее подходящее по смыслу:
1)Linda Silvester will be responsible for an English-Russian students'... Next year. b) exchange
2)the Silvesters are a typical English family. They are ... And close. b) caring
3)my mother and father are kind and caring. I love my ... b)parents
4)the famous sportsman often ... Interviews to different magazines c)gives
5)could we ... A date and time now? a)arrange
Выбери и встать глагол в нужной форме:
1) my little sister ... To be a lawyer c)is going
2) Look! They ... A new youth magazine a) are reading
3) Steven ... With Joan last summer b) made friends
4) her elder brother ... his job next month a)will change
5)the bodyguards protect politicians and their families, ... they? a) don't
Выбери правильный вариант перевода
1) the boys are watching a video in their room at the moment
б)мальчики сейчас смотрят видео в своей комнате.
2)his parents often read newspapers in the evening
а) его родители часто читают газеты по вечерам
is cooking