First of all I want to tell you that my name is Igor and I am 15. A few words about my appearance. My height is nearly 149 cm. But I'd like to be a bit taller. I have a round face as everyone has, a bit long nose and big cheerful grey eyes. My forehead is open. My hair isn't very short but it's not long either. It is straight and black. I think that I look like my father. I am very active and creative, cheerful and curious.
Today our planet Earth is facing an important problem - the global warming. It occurs because of emissions of toxic gas and increasing greenhouse effect. Polluting gases are exhausted by factories, cars and other machines. These gases pile up in the atmosphere and don't let the light reflected from Earth's surface get out of atmosphere, which actually causes the warming itself. Because of it, glaciers melt rapidly, the ocean level rises and that poses a flood threat to all islands and seaside countries. It also means an dramatic increase in number of icebergs in oceans, which basically means a threat to sea travellers. Which in its turn poses a threat to economies of a lot of different countries, since most goods are exported and imported by water trade.
Warming is also dangerous for nature since many species of plants and animals are used to live under low-temperature conditions. And if temperature goes up, then certain plants, which are actually food for animals, will die. And that in its turn will make animals starve, and then eventually die as well. And so will die animals, whose food was primarily the previously mentioned animals, and so on and so forth.
I want to live in a country with strong economy, rich flora and fauna and not-overly-hot climate!
How i imagine my future? i have no single-valued answers, but i'll try to explain you my thoughts. now i tell you my point of view. to my mind, the all our fears realized in future. i have several theories on this matter: 1)the robots rise and killed all people 2) the third world war will begin and will wipe humanity from the face of the earth 3) the humans craped our planet and we all died 4) the aliens came from deep space and split up our planet 5) the asteroid collide to earth, so we also all die it was a "bad" theories, now tell about "goods". i mean that i be the happiest man in the world. i hope, that in future all my nowdays problems have no matter for me, all my foes are loose and i will prevail about all my fears and problems. so, it is be my view of ideal future.