1. There is... a book on the desk. 2. There are... many flowers on the window-sill. There is... a magazine and some newspapers on the little table. Are. ... there any shops near the house? No, there ... aren't any. There are ... some apple-trees and one plum-tree in the garden. There are ... one girl and four boys in the classroom. On the walls there .are .. many pictures. There arre ... a cow, a pig, and a horse in the field. There are ... no children there. Are ... there much snow in the yard? Yes, there .are .. a lot of snow everywhere. My brother doesn' t (get up) early on Sundays. I don't (watch) TV in the morning. They doesn't (spend) much time in the language laboratory. My friend doesn't (understand) grammar rules well. My parents often doesn't (pass) the time in the country. Pete doesn't (take part) in our concert.
Номер 1. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. B 10. B
Номер 2. 1. There're a two armchairs in the corner. 2. There're a few newspapers on the little table. 3. There're some copybooks in his bag. 4. There're a few other things in my pocket. 5. There're in some bushes near the house. 6. There're many cars in the street.
Номер 3. 1. Are there two clouds in the sky? 2. Is there a river far from the farm-house? 3. Are there any animals in the field? 4. Are there three horses in the field? 5. Are there fiwe sheep in the field? 6. Are there fruit-trees in the garden?
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