Упражнение 2. Вставьте в предложение местоимения both, either, neither.
I can hear them …, but I can see …
There are trees on … bank of the river.
… of his two daughters could sing.
… his legs were broken in the accident.
The man held a stick in … hands.
… of them has the same opinion.
You may take … of the books, but not … of them.
What are you going to have, juice or milk? — …, I am not thirsty.
Sam and Tom are … my classmates but … is at school now.
… the bags, the big one and the small one, are empty. You can take … of them. But I am afraid … will do (подойдет).
Last week my friends and I went hiking to the forest. It was a lovely day. The sun was shining brightly but as we were walking under the tree branches we weren't hot. It was great to hear birds chirping and singing and grasshoppers chirring. I was fascinated by the beauty and power of the forest. There were many different sorts of trees, they were like sentry men standing at attention. And only the wind moved their branches once in a while. Deep in the forest we discovered a beautiful meadow, so we stopped and spent some time there just lying on the cool grass in the shadow of the trees and enjoying the feeling of being at one with nature.
На неделе мы с друзьями отправились в лес. Это был прекрасный день. Солнце сияло ярко, но так как мы шли под ветвями деревьев, нам не было жарко. Было здорово слышать щебетание и пение птиц, стрекот кузнечиков. Я был(а) очарован(а) красотой и силой леса. Там было много разных деревьев, они были похожи на часовых, стоящих по стойке смирно. И только ветер шевелил их ветви время от времени. В глубине леса мы обнаружили красивый луг, поэтому мы остановились и провели некоторое время там, просто лежа на прохладной траве в тени деревьев и наслаждаясь чувством единения с природой.