ответ:1 Ben takes the train to work twice a week.
2 We are currently staying with a friend in Moscow.
3 Look! The police officer runs after the robber. The robber just did
stole a bag from an old woman.
4 I was watching a movie when the phone rang.
5 It was snowing when I looked out the window.
6 My room is a mess. I'm going to clean up.
7 If you don't study hard, you will fail your exams.
8 We received our passports last week. My family and I now
planning our summer vacation. We are going to travel all over the world
Europe. Our vacation will be unforgettable.
9 Have you ever eaten cotton candy in the Park? No, never. But I heard,
that it's delicious.
10 Anton is much smarter and more talented than Igor. He is the most successful
a student in our class.
1. Mark felt better after he had taken medicine.
2. We had cleaned the flat before mother came home.
3. Mother had checked me the temperature before doctor arrived.
4. After Ann had gone to school she was at the dentist.
(возможно несколько вариантов, это только пример)
Past Perfect Tense - (Пред Совершенное. В предложениях с Past Simple будет показывать порядок действий в указывать на то, что одно из них произошло раньше. Пр: 1) Марку стало лучше после того, как он принял лекарство. (т.е он принял лекарство раньше, чем почувствовал облегчение). Чтобы понять, когда ставить Simple, а когда ставить Perfect нужно ответить на вопрос: События происходили одновременно или какое-то раньше, чем другое?
Одновременно - используем Simple, если нет, то Perfect.
Подробнее про Past Perfect Tense можно почитать тут: