I must go now. It’s too late. – Я должен идти сейчас. Уже слишком поздно.
You must find a new secretary. – Вы должны найти нового секретаря.
He must earn money for his family. – Он должен зарабатывать деньги для своей семьи.
Children must clean their room. – Дети должны убирать свою комнату (общепринятое правило).
They must be careful with this man. – Они должны быть осторожнее с этим мужчиной
I must hurry. I must not be late. – Я должен спешить.Мне нельзя опаздывать.
You must not walk on the grass. – Вы не должны ходить по траве.
must not = mustn’t (сокращение)
You mustn’t speak here. – Вам нельзя здесь разговаривать.
Students mustn’t leave the classroom before the bell rings. – Студентам не разрешается покидать класс, пока не прозвенит звонок.
You should not walk on the grass. – Вам не стоит ходить по траве.
Students ought not to leave the classroom before the bell rings. – Студентам не следует покидать класс пока не прозвенит звонок.
2. "Stay for dinner", - we told them.
3. "I am sorry for forgetting your birthday", - apologized she.
4. "You stole my wallet", - he accused her.
5. "I will help you organize the party", - he ageed.
6. "Stay away from the water", - they warned children.
7. "I will write every week", - she promised.
8. "If you misbehave I will tell the teacher", - he threatened.
9. "I advise you to study hard for the exams", - I said.
10. "Let's go for a walk!" - she suggested.
11. "It's not my fault", - he explained.
12. "We won't open your letter", - they said.
13. "Let me help you with the housework", - she offered.
14. "You are always tired!" - he complained.
15. "Come to our party", - they said.
16. "I will call the police if you do it again", - threatened she.