Telegraph and telephone are both wire-based electrical systems, and Alexander Graham Bell’s success with the telephone came as a direct result of his attempts to improve the telegraph. When Bell began experimenting with electrical signals, the telegraph was an established means of communication for some 30 years. Although a highly successful system, the telegraph, with its dot-and-dash Morse code, basically limited to receiving and sending one message at a time.
The New Year’s Eve is the chance for grateful entertaining in the USA.
There are merry masquerade balls and holidays parties. After midnight according to the old traditions all guests must unmask.
Very much people go to the street at the New Year’s night. They meet on the Times Square. This is the heart of New York City. It is very noisy, because of the crowd. Only on this night a lot of people are here.
There is an old and beautiful tradition to drop a lighted ball slowly from the top of the house. All people enjoy counting down then the ball drops. When it reaches the bottom, bells ring, sirens sound, firecrackers explode, people hug and kiss, and shout «Happy New Year!» Everyone drinks a toast to the New Year and sings «Auld Lang Sync». The people drink champagne.
It is normal that they believed that everything done or not done on the opening day of the year would influence the next twelve months.
Nothing is allowed to be taken out of the house on New Year’s Day. Thus, normally rich families would refuse to lend anything on this day.
My favorite holiday is new year. Santa Claus brings gifts to children. We're a family decorating the tree. It turns out very beautiful! So exciting to expect the new year! When the chimes strike 12, glasses go up and joy fills the house. I love walking among the big snowdrifts inspecting Christmas decorations on the streets. How beautiful! Looking forward to new year 2020 to celebrate it with my family. It will be very soon.
Мой любимый праздник-Новый год. Дед Мороз приносит подарки детям. Мы семья, украшающая елку. Получается очень красиво! Так волнительно ожидать новый год! Когда куранты бьют 12, бокалы поднимаются и радость наполняет дом. Я люблю ходить среди больших сугробов, осматривая рождественские украшения на улицах. Как красиво! С нетерпением жду Нового года 2020, чтобы отпраздновать его с моей семьей. Это будет очень скоро.
1) to was
2) to came
3) to began
4) to were
5) to limited
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