составить предложения!
Put the given words in the correct order to make sentences.
1. Ocean, The island, of, Britain, is, the, waters, Great, of, the, Atlantic, and, the, English, surrounded, by, Channel.
2. Famous, populous, Liverpool, is, a, city, which, is, to, the, Beatles, thanks.
3. held, The, annual, of, cheese, is, in, Great, festival, Britain.
4. Universal, most, state, obligatory, is, in, countries, worldwide, education.
5. ex- colonies, Inhabitants, living, of, the, British, the, UK, for, come, to.
У меня есть фотография сделанная в 1941 году. На ней изображён мой прадед.Прадеда моего зовут Василий . На войну он ушёл молодым. Оставил сына и жену в Ленинграде. Одет он в морской форме и в бескозырке. Во время Великой Отечественной войны он служил на флоте. Увы он погиб на войне. Его жене прислали письмо о том что он был убит. Я думаю мой прадед успел совершить много подвигов за свою службу.
На английском:
Photo chronicle of our people.
I have a photo taken in 1941. It depicts my great-grandfather. My grandfather's name is Vasily. He went to war young. He left his son and wife in Leningrad. He is dressed in a navy uniform and peaked cap. During World War II, he served in the navy. Alas, he died in the war. His wife was sent a letter stating that he was killed. I think my great-grandfather managed to accomplish many feats for his service.