Скласти 30 речень з
Sentence pattern (until)
2) was
3) were
4) bought
5) got
6) had
7) got
8) wore
9) was
10) got
11) was
12) went
13) found
14) drank
15) put on
16) went
17) were
18) said
19) couldn't (could not)
20) wasn't (was not)
21) felt
22) got
23) spent
24) hadn't (had not)
Нужно поставить глаголы в Past Simple. В этом задании все глаголы неправильные, поэтому ставим их во вторую форму ( а к правильным глаголам прибавляем -ed)
1) У неправильного глагола put вторая форма совпадает с первой, поэтому в Past Simple тоже пишем put.
2) У глагола be вторая форма это was и were. Was используется с единственным числом, were -- со множественным
I came back from school yesterday afternoon. The first thing I saw was your letter. I was happy! I'm sorry to hear that you're sick. Take care of yourself. When - just think about it - In about two weeks, school will be over, and you will come to see us. let's have fun together! We'll talk for hours again, just like in the good old days. When you arrive, we plan to take you to Nalinak Beach. I know you'll like it. We'll go swimming, and then, maybe, we'll run back and forth on the beach. You told me that you had always wanted to spend a weekend at a seaside resort. Remember, you will need a strong body for swimming and running.
I'll stay here until you come back.
We have to wait until he arrives.
We do not use will after until when speaking about the future.
I'll stay here until you come back.
We have to wait until he arrives.
until he will arrive
We’ll wait until Monday.
I'll be here until two o'clock.
until Christmas, until my birthday
Until refers to time. It doesn’t refer to distance.
until tomorrow, until six o'clock
until three kilometres
Till is often used in informal spoken English as a short form of until. Some people also use 'til.
We waited till 3 o'clock.
I'm not leaving till you apologise.