ответ: 2. Neither your mother nor your father would have got angry if you had told them the truth.
3. Both Kevin and Ted would have gone to the concert if they had been able to find the tickets.
4. Either Helen or I would have done the shopping for you if we had known you were ill.
5. Neither my classmates nor I would have understood the problem if the teacher hadn't explained it to us.
6. Either Diane or Kelly would have looked after the children if you had asked them to.
Объяснение: Не подскажешь название учебника из которого ты сфотографировал это упражнение?
ответ: 2. Neither your mother nor your father would have got angry if you had told them the truth.
3. Both Kevin and Ted would have gone to the concert if they had been able to find the tickets.
4. Either Helen or I would have done the shopping for you if we had known you were ill.
5. Neither my classmates nor I would have understood the problem if the teacher hadn't explained it to us.
6. Either Diane or Kelly would have looked after the children if you had asked them to.
Объяснение: Не подскажешь название учебника из которого ты сфотографировал это упражнение?
will (verd/глагол) - если мы пишем в начале предложения if, то после запятой и noun (имя существительное) в середине предложения добавляется will (positive form)/won't(negative form)(verd('s)/глогол) - если мы пишем if ближе к концу предложения, то запятая не ставится. после if и noun (имя существительное) мы ставим present simple, если это слово you/we/they ,то пишем просто noun, если это слово it/he/she/Steve/teacher и прочее, то мы добавляем к нему 's