#1 1) get along with somebody h. to have a good relationship 2) be attracted to - d. to be interested in 3) lose touch - e. to cease to be in communication 4) not to see eye to eye - b. to argue/ disagree 5) go out with - j. to spend time with 6) split up - a. to end relationship 7) look down on - c. to consider that person to be unimportant 8) turn somebody off - i. not to find a person attractive 9) count on somebody - g. to rely on somebody to support you or help you 10) get to know - f. to meet someone / to be introduced #2 1) it doesn’t matter - j. не важно 2) mind your own business - c. занимайся своими делами 3) most likely - h. весьма вероятно 4) neither here nor there - b. ни к селу, ни к городу 5) on the one hand - f. с одной стороны 6) it’s a good idea - i. хорошая мысль 7) nothing much - e. ничего особенного 8) things happen - a. всякое бывает 9) I didn’t catch the last word. - g. не понял последнее слово 10) Don’t take it to heart. - d. не принимайте близко к сердцу №3. 1) to define – definition – definite 2) to starve – starvation – starving 3) to attract – attraction – attractive 4) to accept – acceptance – acceptable / accepted 5) to prefer – preference – preferable 6) to grade – gradation – gradable 7) to respect – respect – respectful / respected 8) to edit – edition – editable 9) to comprehend – comprehension – comprehensive 10) to elect – election – elective / electable
Thirty years ago I was still unmarried and was living with my mother. One morning in April while I was reading a newspaper I came across some information about a remarkable find of Roman silver. It had been discovered three years before by a farmer from Mildenhall, in Siffolk, but the discovery for some reason had been kept secret until then. The newspaper article said the treasure has been sent to the British Museum. The name of the farmer was given as Gordon Butcher. The moment I read the story I sprang up from my chair and rushed out to my car.
Тридцать лет назад я был еще не женат и жил с мамой. Однажды утром в апреле, когда я читал газету, я наткнулся на информацию о замечательной находке римского серебра. Это было обнаружено три года ранее фермером из Милденхолла, в графстве Саффолк, но открытие почему-то держали в тайне до сего времени. Газетная статья сообщала что клад был отправлен в Британский музей. Имя фермера было Гордон Мясник. В тот момент как я прочитал историю, я вскочил с кресла и бросился к машине.
1.I am wait for a bus.
2. The cat is eat its food.
3. You are play tennis now.
4. She write the letter.