II. Заполните пропуски подходящим предлогом, подберите перевод:
1. blame someone a) from a) заботиться о
2. mean b) about b) быть родом
3. worry c) to c) отсутствующий с
4. care d) for d) ругать кого-либо за что-либо
5. concentrate e) on e) сосредоточиваться на
6. come f) беспокоиться о
7. absent g) иметь значение для кого-либо
2. Global trade makes it possible to have exports at better prices. Also a bigger number of countries can be involved in trade relations.
3. WTO provides better opportunities for trade among its members. For example the range of exported and imported goods and tax rates are also better. The bad thing about WTO is that its members have to obey strict rules which are not always beneficial for the country. In this way WTO members cannot be very flexible and totally independent in making their economic decisions.