18. How are you getting to? 19. I'm taking a correspondence course of Physical Training. 20. I go to Astrakhan State University. 21. What company do you work at? 22. I teach PT at school. 23. I work in a sports school. 24. I'm not working at the moment 25. I'm looking for a job. 26. I'm happy to my job. 27. What are you fond of? 28. I speak English. 29. What's she at nationality? 30. I'm married of three children. 31. I'm keen on reading poetry. 32. I'd like the number of Amanda Rhodes. 33. I'm good at cooking. 34. I live in 4 Green Street. 35. What are you interested in? 36. Remember me for your wife. 37. My friends are from Berlin. 38. My best regards to your family. 39. I've been doing judo for five years. 40. Call me Kate by my first name.
Какая свобода, какая чудесная удаль, какая меткость, точность во всем и какой необыкновенный народный солдатский язык - ни палочки, ни задоринки, ни единого фальшивого, готового, то есть -пошлого слова! " - так писал и.а.бунин о поэме александра твардовского "василий теркин". эта поэма, одна из вершин творчества твардовского, давно уже вошла в классический ряд . удивительно, что о самой жестокой войне можно было написать с такой силой. сам по себе весь рассказ вызывает незабываемые впечатления которые радуют меня при каждом чтении!
19. I'm taking a correspondence course of Physical Training.
20. I go to Astrakhan State University.
21. What company do you work at?
22. I teach PT at school.
23. I work in a sports school.
24. I'm not working at the moment
25. I'm looking for a job.
26. I'm happy to my job.
27. What are you fond of?
28. I speak English.
29. What's she at nationality?
30. I'm married of three children.
31. I'm keen on reading poetry.
32. I'd like the number of Amanda Rhodes.
33. I'm good at cooking.
34. I live in 4 Green Street.
35. What are you interested in?
36. Remember me for your wife.
37. My friends are from Berlin.
38. My best regards to your family.
39. I've been doing judo for five years.
40. Call me Kate by my first name.