2) bookshops / Books / online / sold / in / are / and.
Books are sold in bookshops snd online.
3) grown / Coffee / in / is / Brazil.
Coffee is grown in Brazil.
4) Parliament / Laws / made / in / are.
Laws are made in Parliament.
5) father / The / are / their / driven / to / children / school / by.
The children are driven to school by their father.
6) the / meal / All / washed / dishes / the / are / after.
All the dishes are washed after meal.
7) guides / Places / interest / are/ by / of / tour / shown.
Places of interest are shown by tour guides.
8) Japan / Toyotas / made / are / in.
Toyotas are made in Japan.
9) over / Books / sold / in / are / that/ shop / there.
Books are sold in that shop over there.