не по теме бан
Специальный во к подлежащему в английском языке.
1. My colleague is writing a report in the office. Мой коллега пишет отчет в офисе. Подлежащее коллега.
Подлежащее Сказуемое Дополнение Обстоятельство
Who is writing a report at the office?
Кто пишет отчет в офисе?
3. Porridge is burning in the kitchen. Каша подгорает на кухне. Подлежащее – каша.
Подлежащее Сказуемое Дополнение Обстоятельство
What is burning in the kitchen?
Что горит на кухне?
Как составить во к подлежащему в английском языке?
1. Найти подлежащее в предложении.
2. Заменить его подходящим во местоимением
— Who? (кто?) или What? (что?).
3. Сохранить прямой порядок слов, оставляя при этом все члены предложения на своих местах.
4. Составляя во к подлежащему в английском языке
помните о согласовании глагола с подлежащим — в Present Simple употребляем глагол в
третьем лице ед.ч. — добавляем окончание -s (es) к глаголу (e.g. Who wants tea?).
Практическое задание.
Упражнение 1. Задайте во к подлежащему.
1. I study English.
2. My mother read newspapers every day.
3. They work at the office.
4. My jeans need washing.
5. The sun rises in the east.
Упражнение 2. Исправьте ошибки
1. Who like to sing?
2. Who did was in the park?
3. What does make you think so?
4. Who did lived in London?
5. What often play football?
6. What speak English well?
7. Who is sleeping in the bedroom?
8. Who were did at school?
9. Who is her name?
10. Who will swims in a pool?
1. Marmalade is made of oranges. What is marmelade made of? Marmelade is not made of apples 2. This town was built a century ago When was this town built? This town was not built a century ago.. 3. They were invited to a birthday party. Where were they invited? They were not invited to the party.4. The fax has just been sent. Has the fax been sent? The fax has not been sent 5. America was discovered long ago. When was America discovered? America was not discovered long ago
1. You are advised to wear warm shoes in winter. 2. The time before bed is spent very pleasantly. 3. Sniffer dogs are used by police to detect drugs and explosives. 4. Huge pine trees were uprooted by the storm. 5. You are not allowed to buy cigarettes if you are under sixteen.