Найдите предложения в страдательном залоге, укажите номер предложения, переведите его на русский язык.
1) The letter was sent to me last week.
2) She gave a new dress to her sister.
3) Has the house been built yet?
4) Was Jane invited to the party?
5) He was at school yesterday.
6) Bread is eaten every day.
7) Has this film been shown yet ?
8) I am given a lot of presents every year .
1. The visible sign of ageing appears earlier in some individuals than in others.
2. Even a temporary isolation from the group strengthens the tendency towards conformity.
3. Experiments have demonstrated that infants as young as ten days may be acquired to suck at the sound of a buzzer if this is frequently presented just before the bottle is inserted in the mouth.
4. In prematurely born infants of 32 weeks responses to light, sound and even taste may occur.
5. In the book «Personality and Psychotherapy» J. Dollard and N. Miller tried to apply laws of learning to the problem of how neurotic behaviour is conditioned.