Here are two stories. One is told by Harriet and the other one by Russell Baker.
Read the stories and mark the sentences after the stories with T if the information is TRUE and with F if the information is FALSE.
Harriet will have a rat when she grows up.
Harriet will have an office.
Harriet will be the best vet.
Harriet will have a gun and follow people.
30 years ago a surprising number of little boys wanted to be a President when they grow up.
Russell didn’t want to be a President.
Russell loved to collect old magazines.
Russell wanted to be a journalist.
Russell didn’t like to collect empty bottles.
Russell wanted to be a garbage man. ___
Choose the correct answer:
1. You mustn't / don't have to use the mobile phone on the plane. It's dangerous.
2. You look tired. You should / shouldn't go to bed.
3. Sasha could /couldn't swim a year ago, but now he can.
4. We don't have to / have to wear a uniform, so I normally wear sports clothes.
5. You mustn’t / needn’t take an umbrella today. The sun is shining.
2. Ask questions to specify people’s names and jobs.
0. – WHO works in an office?
- Nat’s mum.
- WHAT is she?
- A secretary.
1. - is/was he/she?
- A famous British writer.
2. - is she?
- Joan Rowling.
3. - is he?
- Daniel Radcliff.
4. - is it?
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, my favourite book.
5. - is it?
- The Young Telegraph, a British newspaper for children.
S: Thank you. Благодарю Вас.
I: Did you have a good trip? Хорошо ли Вы доехали?
S: Yes, thanks. I came up from San Diego yesterday. Да Я приехал из Сан Диего вчера.
I: And did you find a nice hotel? Вам удалось найти хороший отель?
S: No. I am at my parents' place in Oakland. Нет. Я [остановился] у моих родителей в Окленде.
I: Oh, that's right, you're from the Bay area, aren't you? О, это правильно. Вы же из области Залива, не так ли?
S: Yes. I was born and raised in Oakland. Да. Я родился и вырос в Окленде.
I: When did you leave Oakland? Когда Вы покинули Окленд?
S: I went to college in L.A. That was in 1988. Я поступил в колледж в Лос-Анджелесе. Это было в 1988 году.
I: So, where are you presently working? Итак, где Вы сейчас работаете?
S: Soledad Computers in San Diego. В "Соледад Компьютерс" в Сан Диего.
I: Why do you want to change jobs now? Почему Вы хотите сменить работу сейчас?
S: I'd like to do some travelling. I want to use my languages, and I want a better job. Я хотел бы иногда путешествовать. Я хочу использовать свое знание языков, и я хочу лучшую работу.
I: Do you want to live closer to your parents? Вы хотите жить ближе к своим родителям?
S: That's not the reason why I want this job. But yes, I'd like to live in this area again. Это не та причина, по которой я хочу получить эту работу. Но да, я бы хотел жить в этом районе снова.
I: Well, thank you, Mr. Lo. We'll be in touch. Что ж г-н Ло. Мы с вами свяжемся.