10. 1)c
2) a
11. a
12. b
13. 1) a
2) c
3) b
4) a
14. 1) a
2) b
15. 1) b) Can they buy ...
c) They can't buy tickets...
2) b) Does she have to get up ...
c) She doesn't have to get up...
16. 1) b
2) b
17. 1) f
2) e
3) d
4) h
5) c
6) b
7) a
18. wonderful
19. comfartable
20, 1) b
2) c
21, Alice
Peter I, or Peter the Great, was one of the most prominent rulers and reformers in the history of Russia. He was a Russian tsar and became emperor in 1721. First, he ruled along with his brother Ivan and his sister Sophia. In 1696, he became the sole ruler.
He was a healthy, lively and intelligent child. He loved war games and loved carpentry, blacksmithing and printing. At the age of 17, he was married.
Peter I is known for drawing Russia further east. He also moved the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Peter traveled extensively in Western Europe and tried to bring Western customs and habits to Russia. He introduced Western technology. He completely changed the Russian government and military system: he increased the power of the monarch and reduced the power of the boyars and the church.
In foreign policy, Peter I waged a war with Turkey (1695-1696) and the Great Northern War with Sweden (1700-1721), as well as the war with Persia (1722-1723). In these wars, he wanted to gain access to the Baltic, Black and Caspian Seas. He managed to get the shores of the Baltic Sea and the Caspian Sea.
Peter I played a large role in Russian history. After his death, Russia became much safer and more progressive than before his reign.
1. Give it to her, please.
2. Can you help me, please?
3. it's for you.
4. Let's buy it...
5. and give them to Kanat.
Местоимения в английском языке:
Личные - I – я you – ты, вы he – он she – он it – оно we – мы they – они me – я, мне him – он her – она us – мы, нас them – они
Притяжательные - my – мой, моя your – твой, ваш his – его her – ее its – его, ее, свой our – наш their – их mine – мой yours – твой hers – ее ours – наш theirs – их
Возвратные - myself – себя, себе yourself – себя himself – себя, сам herself – себя, сама itself – себя, сам, сама, само ourselves – себе, себя, собой yourselves – себя themselves – себя, себе, сами
и др.
10. 1)c; 2)a; 3)a;
13. 1)а; 2)c; 3)b; 4)a;
14. 1)a; 2)b;
15. 1)b- Can they buy...; c-They cannot buy...; 2)b-Does she have to get up...; c-She does not have to get up...;
16. 1)b; 2)a;
17. 1)b; 2)e; 3)d; 4)h; 5)c; 6)f; 7)a; 8)g;
18. bookcase
19. comfortable
20. 1)b; 2)с
21. Alice.