(Всё через переводчик) I knew she works at the factory that she is married and happy. 2. He thought that his sister had already returned from work. 3. She said she will work in the garden from 3 to 5 tomorrow. 4. Mom said that by 1995, they moved to Moscow. 5. If you read the book, I would have passed it in the library, and now I can't take books out there. 6. If you buy tickets, we go to the movies. 7. If I had time! 8. If you knew her phone number, we would have called her now. 9. He said that tomorrow at 5 is going to cook dinner. 10. My friend told me that his brother is now watching TV in the next room. 11. I knew that you live in Moscow. 12. He said that children now play in the yard. 13. Grandma said that tomorrow at 5 is the cake.14. If I had this book now! 15. If you wrote a letter, I would send it, and now I have to go to the post office tomorrow. 16. My sister said read this book. 17. If you go to the theater, I'll go with you.18. If you knew her address, we could visit her now. 19. He said that tomorrow will bring you the magazine. 20. I didn't know you were back in Saint Petersburg.
1. There's a large parkto the station. c) close; 2. Food prices have beensteadily for at least twenty years.a) rising; 3. When the meeting had finished, they wentthe plan once again. c) over, 4. He never stops criticizing me. He's a real ___in the neck. b) pain; 5. If no oneto the plan, we will start next week. c) objects; 6. Paulo is the headat the Buckingham hotel. He is famous for his fish recipes. d)chef. 7. I shouldn't have drunk so much coffee last night. I wasawake till 4 o'clock in the morning. b) wide; 8. Some people deny the connectionill health.b) between smoking and; 9. It doesn'tto me how long you stay. There's plenty of room.c) matter; 10. Please to make sure that there is petrol in the car. a) check;
1 – one – first (один – первый);
2 – two – second (два – второй);
3 – three – third (три – третий);
4 – four – fourth (четыре – четвертый);
5 – five – fifth (пять – пятый);
6 – six – sixth (шесть – шестой);
7 – seven – seventh (семь – седьмой);
8 – eight – eighth (восемь – восьмой);
9 – nine – ninth (девять – девятый);
10 – ten – tenth (десять – десятый);
11 – eleven – eleventh (одиннадцать – одиннадцатый);
12 – twelve – twelfth (двенадцать – двенадцатый).
ну а в таких порядковых числительных, как двадцатый, тридцатый, сороковой и т. д., конечную -y меняем на -ie:
20 – twenty – twentieth;
30 – thirty – thirtieth;
40 – forty – fortieth.