How is economics useful?
When economists succeed in their aims to understand how consumers and producers react to changing conditions, economics can provide powerful guidance and influence to policy-making at the national level. Said differently, there are very real consequences to how a nation approaches taxation, regulation, and government spending; economics can offer advice and analysis regarding these decisions.
Economics can also help investors understand the potential ramifications of national policy and events on business conditions. Understanding economics can also give investors the tools to predict macroeconomic conditions and understand the implications of those predictions on companies, stocks, markets and so on. Being able to project that a certain set of government policies will stoke (or choke off) inflation or growth in a country can certainly help stock and bond investors position themselves appropriately.
Easter - all the favorite holiday/ To prepare it in advance, even during Lent. It is necessary to fast, eat only lean and soul buduet spiritually purified. Easter must begin with the Easter service. It is necessary to paint the eggs and bake pies. On Saturday, we should go to Church to shine eggs. On Sunday , "Jesus is risen!" - all celebrate Easter.
Пасха - всех любимый праздник. К нему готовятся заранее, еще в Великий пост. Нужно соблюдать пост, есть только постную пищу и душа будет духовно очищаться. Пасха должна начинаться с пасхального Богослужения. Надо красить яйца и печь пироги. В субботу надо идти в церковь светить яйца. В воскресенье "Иисус Воскрес", - все празднуют праздник.