Albania -- Albanian -- albanians
Italy -- Italian -- Italians
Australia -- English -- Australians
Korea -- Korea -- Koreans
Portugal -- Portuguese -- Portuguese
Japan -- Japanese -- Japanese
Vietnam -- Viethnamese -- Viethnamese
England -- English -- English
China -- Chinese -- Chinese
Turkey -- Turkish -- Turks
Bangladesh -- Bangladesh -- Bangladeshis
Arab League-- Arab -- Arabs
Poland -- Polish -- Poles
India -- Indian -- Indians
Scotland -- Scottish -- Scotch
Weles -- Welsh -- Welsh
Ireland -- Irish -- Irish
My family is my temple of solitude. This is my circle of relatives.
There are 3 people in my family: mom, dad, and me. I always cherish my parents because they are my support and happiness.
My mother works as a pastry chef in a restaurant《Delicious day》. She is a professional cook and pleases us with her pastries.
My dad works in the military . He's my idol. In the future, I also want to be a soldier and protect our country. He works very hard and we hardly see him.
My parents love me very much and I feel it. Their trust in me is priceless. I never imagined living in a sad family.
My family is my strength. I always knew that here I can say everything I think. I love and appreciate my family.