1. Additives
2. Brittle
3. Underweight
4. Examination
5. Prescription
6. Portions
7. Infections
8. Guilty
9. Distressed
10. Desperate
1. health benefits
2. dairy products
3. medical attention
4. mood swings
5. body image
(вроде так)
I. Fill in: desperate, distressed, underweight, brittle, examination, infections, guilty, additives,
prescription, portions.
1. Consumers are becoming more aware of dangers of Additives in foods.
2. Lack of calcium can cause your bones to become Brittle
3. Julia had an eating disorder and was severely Underweight
4. He had to undergo a routine medical Examination when he joined the army.
5. The doctor wrote me a Prescription for some tablets and cough medicine.
6. The restaurant was famous for the huge Portions it served customers.
7. Ear Infections can be intensely irritating and very painful.
8. The town was in Guilty need of food and medical supplies after the earthquake.
9. Connie felt Distressed after the offensive comments she made about Anna.
10. The actress was deeply Desperate by the bad reviews of her latest film.
(если нужен полностью текст, писать не с заглавной буквы, просто я так выделила, чтобы было удобнее)
There are pets that are necessary for human consumption. This is mainly domestic animals: cows, sheep, poultry. There are animals that are kept for the sake of beauty, comfort - cats, for example, are the most striking examples of this. But the theme of the works involves talking about animals - human helpers. It is appropriate here to recall the most loyal and long-time our friends - the horses and a dog. These animals have long been selflessly serve man. Without them, human civilization is like now, probably for another feudal level would be simply backward. After all, horses were the driving force that helps people in times of peace - for cargo transportation, farming, and during military battles - as a means of transportation in the mounted troops, and during the Great Patriotic War, horses could smuggle guns where not his way, however, one tank! Now the horse can be seen at most sports, but only from the grateful memory of this animal to erect a monument to all the cities! In rural areas, is still a horse, in a way, a saint, because that's what she was the nurse in the home. Perhaps that is why there is horse meat was considered something sinful. A loyal assistant man - a dog. For a long time it served to protect the houses and other buildings, helping on the hunt. During the war, many dogs have undermined the enemy tanks, bridges, trains, paying for it with their lives. In our time, the dog, in addition to protection, are also detective service in canine police units and rescue squads MOE. On this, the role of rescue dogs, you need a special mention. Many thousands of lives have been saved thanks to the sensitive nose of the animal! Dogs find people under the rubble in Armenia and the Kuril islands after a major earthquake, Buinaksk and Moscow after the terrorist attacks, countless times in the ordinary, everyday, situations that may not be as well known. How many offenders are not gone from the law by Tracker's quality dogs! How many illegal border crossing was prevented dogs, guards! The role of dogs in human society, in contrast to the horse, is still huge, and people are very grateful to this animal-mate, just a friend!
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